Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3.djvu/535

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Fitz Lee had frustrated, was to Sheridan's rear, between Berryville and the Shenandoah. Early placed Ramseur's division on Kershaw's left and then moved, with Wharton's and Rodes' divisions, along the enemy's front toward his right, to reconnoiter and attack that flank if a favorable opportunity offered. Early, in his "Memoirs of the Last Year of the War for Independence, in the Confederate States of America," writes of this reconnoissance:

After moving in this way for two miles, I reached an elevated position from which the enemy's line was visible, and within artillery range of it. I at first thought that I had reached his right flank, and was about making arrangements to attack it, when casting my eye to my left, I discovered, as far as the eye could reach with the aid of glasses, a line extending toward Summit Point. The position the enemy occupied was a strong one, and he was busily engaged fortifying it, having already made considerable progress. It was not until I had had this view that I realized the size of the enemy's force, and as I discovered that his line was too long for me to get around his flank, and the position was too strong to attack in front, I returned and informed General Anderson of the condition of things. After consultation with him, we thought it not advisable to attack the enemy in his intrenched lines, and we determined to move our forces back to the west side of the Opequon, and see if he would not move out of his works.

After remaining in front of the enemy at Berryville until 2 p. m. of the 5th, Early returned the divisions of Rodes, Wharton and Ramseur to Stephenson's, by way of the burnt factory. Rodes, in front, reached Stephenson's just in time to form a brigade on the right of the Confederate cavalry, which was falling back before superior numbers, commanded by Averell, and to aid in driving him back, for several miles, through a hard rain with considerable loss. On the morning of that day Anderson retired from the front of Berryville to the west side of the Opequon, having concluded to remain with Early, who was now confronted by such a large army of the enemy. It was quiet on the 6th, but on the 7th the enemy made demonstrations at the Yellow House, near Brucetown, and on the Martinsburg road, and also on the Millwood and Front Royal roads, not far from Winchester. These were all repulsed. There was enforced quiet on the 8th owing to a hard rain, but on the 9th the enemy advanced to the Opequon, below Brucetown, and burned some mills. They retired when met by Wharton.

On the 10th Early marched, with Rodes in front, preceded by some of Lomax's cavalry, through a very hard rain, and encountered the enemy's cavalry near Darkes-