Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3.djvu/240

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Kernstown, to support Ashby, guard the train and form a reserve. Fulkerson's brigade, followed by part of Carpenter's battery, was marched northward, as if to attack the enemy's right center, passing bravely through a storm of shot and shell, from Pritchard's hill, to which Carpenter made brief reply in passing. Nearing the Federal batteries, Fulkerson turned northwest and, rapidly moving, soon gained and deployed across Sandy ridge, at right angles to its trend, securing a very strong position, on its crest, for his left, behind a stone fence overlooking and dominating the field that extended down the slope of the northeastern end of the ridge to the forest that reached from the foot of that end to the Cedar Creek turnpike. Garnett's brigade followed, but much farther to the left, and having gained the crest of the ridge, marched along that to Fulkerson's line, where most of it took position on his right, thus extending a strong line of battle across Sandy ridge and into the open field, on its eastern slope, which extended from near the crest and overlooked the Federal position. Jackson quickly saw its advantages and ordered up McLaughlin's and Waters' batteries and Carpenter's other guns, and placed them, nearly at right angles to his infantry line, in front of the wood above this field, supported by some of Fulkerson's men. This disposition of his fighters was admirable. It was a right-angled salient with a protecting wood in the rear at each side. The angle looked into the midst of the Federal position; the batteries protected his right and commanded those of the enemy.

Ashby was ordered to keep up a bold demonstration on the right and Jackson now opened on the left, and soon forced his foe to withdraw from his chosen position. Seeing that his right was in extreme danger, Kimball promptly provided to counteract Jackson's movements. Tyler's brigade, which at about 2 p. m. had reached the junction of the Cedar Creek and Valley turnpikes, and was there waiting in reserve, was ordered to vigorously attack the Confederate left. Jackson was now master of the situation, and unless he could be driven from his position he would, undoubtedly, gain the day.

Tyler, equal to the emergency, marched rapidly along the Cedar Creek road to opposite the northeastern end of Sandy ridge, and there, concealed and protected by the intervening forest, formed his line of battle, parallel to