Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/461

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Among the letters which I received from various places in reference to the "Kreutzer Sonata" and the "Epilogue," which show that the necessity of changing our view on the relation of the sexes has been recognized by others as well,—by a large majority of thinking people, whose voices are not heard and not noticed only because they are drowned by the cry of the people of the crowd, who stubbornly and rancorously defend the usual order of things, which abets their passions,—among these letters I received, on October 7, 1890, the following letter, with the enclosure of a pamphlet entitled Diana, of which it makes mention. Here is the letter:

"New York, October 7, 1890.

"We have the pleasure of sending you a small pamphlet entitled: Diana, a psycho-physiological essay on sexual relations for married men and women, which, we hope, you will receive.

"Ever since your production, 'The Kreutzer Sonata,' made its appearance in America, many have been saying: Diana fulfils, explains, and makes possible Tolstoy's theories. And so we have decided to send you this pamphlet, so that you may be able to judge for yourself.

"Praying that the wish of your heart be fulfilled, we remain,

Yours sincerely,

Burns Co.

"We shall be happy if you inform us of the receipt of the pamphlet."