Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/165

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Anísya. What are you sitting there for? There is no time to lose. You have to carry it out at once.

Nikíta. What are we going to do?

Anísya. Do what I tell you!

Nikíta. You had better take it to the Foundling House.

Anísya. You carry it there, if you want to. You are ready enough to do something nasty, but very weak in straightening things out.

Nikíta. What is to be done?

Anísya. I told you: go into the cellar and dig a hole there!

Nikíta. Can't you do it any other way?

Anísya (mocking him). Any other way? No, you can't. You ought to have thought of it before. Go where I tell you!

Nikíta. Oh, it is a bad business!

Scene IX. The same and Anyútka.

Anyútka. Mamma! grandmother is calling you. Sister must have a baby,—truly,—it has been crying.

Anísya. Don't talk! The paralysis take you! The kittens are mewing. Go into the house and sleep! Or I will teach you!

Anyútka. Mamma dear, really, upon my word—

Anísya (raising her hand against her). I will show you! Don't let me hear a word from you!

Anyútka (runs away).

Anísya (to Nikita). Go and do as I tell you! Or look out! (Exit.)

Scene X. Nikíta (alone, long silent).

Nikíta. Bad business! Oh, these women! It is bad! She says I ought to have thought of it before.