Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/142

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does not take long to spoil a person by witchcraft. It makes me feel badly to see what has become of you.

Anísya. My legs are as thin as sticks. But look at silly Akulína! She is a slattern and a good-for-nothing, but just look at her! Where did it all come from? He has dressed her up. She has spread out and is as bloated as a bladder on the water. Although she is silly, she has got it into her head to say: "I," says she, "am the mistress here. The house is mine. Father wanted me to marry him." And oh, how mean she is! God save us from her! When she gets angry she tears the straw down from the roof.

Sponsor. Oh, oh, friend, what a life you lead! And people envy you! They say you are rich; but evidently, my dear, tears flow also over gold.

Anísya. What is there to envy? The wealth will all pass away like dust. He squanders the money terribly.

Sponsor. But how is it, my friend, you have let it happen? The money is yours.

Anísya. If you only knew it all! I made a little blunder.

Sponsor. If I were in your place, my friend, I should go to some great officer. The money is yours. How can he squander it? There are no such laws.

Anísya. They pay no attention to this nowadays.

Sponsor. Oh, friend, you look pretty weak!

Anísya. Yes, my dear, I am weak, very weak. He has ruined me. I do not know what to do. Oh, oh, my wretched head!

Sponsor. Somebody is coming, I think. (Listens. The door opens. Enter Akím.)

Scene IV. The same and Akím.

Akím (crosses himself. Shakes off the mud from his shoes and takes off his wraps). Peace be upon this house! How are you? Good day, aunty.