Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/121

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there. Now I do not know myself where. He is evidently afraid to part from it. It must be somewhere in the house. If only I could find it. He did not have it with him yesterday. He has completely worn me out.

Scene IV. Anísya and Akulína (who comes out, tying her kerchief on her head).

Anísya. Where are you going?

Akulína. Where? He told me to call Aunt Márfa. "Go and call sister," says he. "I am dying," says he, "and I want to tell her something."

Anísya (aside). He is calling his sister. Oh, my wretched head! He, no doubt, wants to give it to her. What am I to do? Oh! (To Akulína.) Don't go! Where are you going?

Akulína. For aunty.

Anísya. Don't go, I say. I will go myself, and you take the washing to the river. Else you will not get done before evening.

Akulína. But he told me to go.

Anísya. Go where I tell you. I told you I would go myself for Márfa. Take the shirts down from the fence.

Akulína. The shirts? But I am afraid you won't go. He told me to.

Anísya. I told you I would. Where is Anyútka?

Akulína. Anyútka? She is watching the calves.

Anísya. Send her here: the calves won't run away. (Akulína takes up the washing and goes out.)

Scene V. Anísya alone.

Anísya. If I don't go, he will curse me. If I do, he will give his sister the money. All my labours will be lost. I don't know what to do. My head is bursting. (Continues to work.)