Page:Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier (1895).djvu/315

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O’er Massachusetts’ rocks of gray
The strengthening light of freedom shines,
Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay,
And Vermont’s snow-hung pines!

From Hudson’s frowning palisades
To Alleghany’s laurelled crest,
O’er lakes and prairies, streams and glades,
It shines upon the West.

Speed on the light to those who dwell
In Slavery’s land of woe and sin,
And through the blackness of that Hell
Let Heaven’s own light break in.

So shall the Southern conscience quake
Before that light poured full and strong,
So shall the Southern heart awake
To all the bondman’s wrong.

And from that rich and sunny land
The song of grateful millions rise,
Like that of Israel’s ransomed band
Beneath Arabia’s skies:

And all who now are bound beneath
Our banner’s shade, our eagle’s wing,
From Slavery’s night of moral death
To light and life shall spring.

Broken the bondman’s chain, and gone
The master’s guilt, and hate, and fear,
And unto both alike shall dawn
A New and Happy Year.


Written on receiving a cane wrought from a fragment of the wood-work of Pennsylvania Hall which the fire had spared.

Token of friendship true and tried,
From one whose fiery heart of youth
With mine has beaten, side by side,
For Liberty and Truth;
With honest pride the gift I take,
And prize it for the giver’s sake.

But not alone because it tells
Of generous hand and heart sincere;
Around that gift of friendship dwells
A memory doubly dear;
Earth’s noblest aim, man’s holiest thought,
With that memorial frail inwrought!

Pure thoughts and sweet like flowers unfold,
And precious memories round it cling,
Even as the Prophet’s rod of old
In beauty blossoming:
And buds of feeling, pure and good,
Spring from its cold unconscious wood.

Relic of Freedom’s shrine! a brand
Plucked from its burning! let it be
Dear as a jewel from the hand
Of a lost friend to me!
Flower of a perished garland left,
Of life and beauty unbereft!

Oh, if the young enthusiast bears,
O’er weary waste and sea, the stone
Which crumbled from the Forum’s stairs,
Or round the Parthenon;
Or olive-bough from some wild tree
Hung over old Thermopylæ:

If leaflets from some hero’s tomb,
Or moss-wreath torn from ruins hoary;
Or faded flowers whose sisters bloom
On fields renowned in story;
Or fragment from the Alhambra’s crest,
Or the gray rock by Druids blessed;

Sad Erin’s shamrock greenly growing
Where Freedom led her stalwart kern,
Or Scotia’s “rough bur thistle” blowing
On Bruce’s Bannockburn;
Or Runnymede’s wild English rose,
Or lichen plucked from Sempach’s snows!

If it be true that things like these
To heart and eye bright visions bring,
Shall not far holier memories
To this memorial cling?
Which needs no mellowing mist of time
To hide the crimson stains of crime!

Wreck of a temple, unprofaned;
Of courts where Peace with Freedom trod
Lifting on high, with hands unstained,
Thanksgiving unto God;
Where Mercy’s voice of love was pleading
For human hearts in bondage bleeding!

Where, midst the sound of rushing feet
And curses on the night-air flung,
That pleading voice rose calm and sweet
From woman’s earnest tongue;
And Riot turned his scowling glance,
Awed, from her tranquil countenance!