Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 04.djvu/517

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HALDANE 445 HALE Halberstadt. It received town rights in 998; was twice burned down in the 12th century ; and was held alternately by the Swedes and Imperialists during the Thirty Years' War, In 1684 it was given to Brandenburg. Pop. about 46,500. HALDANE, RICHARD BURDON HALDANE, 1st VISCOUNT, a British statesman. He was born in 1856 and was educated at Edinburgh Academy; Edinburgh and Gottingen universities, receiving the M, A, degree, 1st Class Honors in Philosophy, Edinburgh; be- coming Gray Scholar and Ferguson Scholar in Philosophy of Four Scottish Universities, 1876. He became also Gif- ford Lecturer in St. Andrew's Univer- sity, 1902-1904. In 1885 he was elected to represent Haddingtonshire as a liberal in the House of Commons, continuing to represent the same seat till 1911, During 1905-1912 he was Secretary of State for War, becoming Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain in 1912 and holding the office till 1915. He is a mem- ber of the Judicial Committee of Privy Council; LL. D.; Rector of Edinburgh University; and Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Bristol. He has written much, his works including: "Essays in Philo- sophical Criticism" (with Professor Seth); "Life of Adam Smith"; "Educa- tion and Empire"; "The Pathway to Reality," He translated, with the co- operation of Mr. Kemp, Schopenhauer's "World as Will and Idea," HALE, EDWARD EVERETT, an American author and Unitarian clergy- man; born in Boston, Mass., April 3, 1822. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1839, studied theology and ecclesiastical history privately, was li- censed to preach in 1842, and after sup- plying various congregations was pastor of the Church of the Unity, Woi'cester, 1846-1856, and was then called to the South Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Boston, During his ministerial career he was active in social, educa- tional, and philanthropic enterprises; or- ganized the Harry Wadsworth Club, which has numerous branches in the United States and Europe, and the Look- Up Legion among American Sunday- schools; edited "The Christian Exami- ner," "The Sunday-school Gazette," "Old and New" (1869-1875), and "Lend a Hand, a Journal of Organized Charity," besides "Original Documents from the State Paper Office, London, and the Brit- ish Museum, Illustrating the History of Sir W, Raleigh's First American Colony and the Colony of Jamestown" (1860) ; John Lingard's "History of England," 13 volumes, and many historical works. He Vol, IV — Cyc— CC was popular as a lecturer. He is best known as a writer of fiction and history. He died June 10, 1909. HALE, EUGENE, a United States Senator from Maine, born at Turner, Me,, in 1836. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1856. He served in the Maine Legislature in 1867, and in the following year was elected to Congress. He was four times re-elected. In 1881 he was elected to the Senate to succeed Hannibal Hamlin, and was re- elected for four successive terms. Dur- ing the first two years of the adminis- tration of President Taft he shared with Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island the ma- jority leadership of the Senate. He was recognized as one of the foremost mem- bers of that body. He retired in 1911, after a longer service than that of any other Senator then in office. He died in 1913. HALE, FREDERICK. United States Senator from Maine; born in Detroit, Mich., 1874; graduated from Harvard in 1896; practiced law in Portland, Me. In 1904 he was elected to the Maine House of Representatives, and from 1912 to 1918 he was a member of the Republican National Committee, He was elected to the United States Senate for the term 1917-1923. HALE, HARRY CLAY, an American soldier, born in Knoxville, 111., in 1861. He graduated from the United States Mili- tary Academy in 1883 and was appointed 2d lieutenant of the 12th Infantry in the same year. In 1898 he was appointed major to the assistant adjutant-general of volunteers. In the following year he was honorably discharged from the vol- unteer service, and was transferred to the 15th United States Infantry. He was appointed adjutant-general in 1907, In 1911 he became lieutenant-general and in 1915 he was promoted to be colonel of the 20th Infantry, He was successively brigadier-general and major-general of the National Army in 1917, and was appointed commander of Camp Zachary Taylor, He commanded the 84th Divi- sion of the American Expeditionary Force in France in 1918, and was for a short time commander of the 26th Division. HALE. LOUISE CLOSSER, an Amer- ican actress and writer, born in Chicago, in 1872. She was educated in the pub- lic schools of Indianapolis, and in 1899 married Walter Hale. Her first appear- ance on the stage was made in Detroit, in 1895, Her published writings include "A Motor Car Divorce" (1906) ; "The Actress" (1909); "The Married Miss Worth" (1911); "We Discover New