Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 01.djvu/459

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AZTJLINE 369 AZURITE of apparently independent origin, yet closely resembling in many features the archaic Oriental civilizations, the Aztec civilization is of the first interest. Some of the Aztec descendants still re- tain their ancient language, AZTJLINE, or AZURINE, blue dyes be- longing to the coal-tar class. AZUNI, DOMENICO ALBERTO (az- 6'ne), an Italian jurist, born in Sassari, Sardinia, in 1749. He became judge of the Tribunal of Commerce at Nice, and in 1795 published a work m vi'hich he endeavored to reduce maritime laws to fixed principles, and which appeared in French in 1805, under the title of "Droit Maritime de I'Europe." Napoleon ap- pointed him one of the commissioners for compiling the new commercial code. He died Jan. 23, 1827. AZURE, the heraldic term for the color blue, represented in engraving by horizontal lines. AZTJRINE (leuciscus cssruleus), a fresh water fish of the same genus as the roach, chub and minnow; called also blue roach. AZTJRITE, a mineral, called also lazulite; also a brittle, transparent, or subtranslucent mineral, with monoclinic crystals. The luster is vitreous, or verg- ing on adamantine; the color azure-blue, passing into Berlin blue. It is found in England, as also in France, Austria- Hungary, and Siberia.