Page:Choëphoroe (Murray 1923).djvu/91

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Master DietZ : His Autobiography Translated by BERNARD MIALL Demy %vo. Illustrated About izs. 6d. Meister Johann Dietz was a barber's surgeon who flourished in the latter part of the seventeenth century and lived to see the accession of Frederick the Great. Not only did Master Dietz go through many a hard-fought campaign, he was for some time surgeon aboard a whaler, and his description of Arctic adventures in the seventeenth century is no less absorbing than his tales of war. Nor does the worthy barber forget to chronicle his domestic misfortunes, and we owe to his candid simplicity a remarkable picture of middle-class life on the Continent during one of the most turbulent periods of history. The volume is illustrated by miniature reproductions of many steel and copper-plate engravings illustrating battles, sieges, cities and fortifications. Mystics and Hereties-ia Italy At the End of the Middle Ages By EMILE GEBHART Translated, with an Introduction, by Prof. EDWARD M. HULME Demy Svo. 12s. 6d. " It has long been known as a standard book on the inner history of Italy during the two centuries which culminated in Dante. It is indeed a fine monument of French medieval scholarship and French literary prose. . . . Professor Hulme's version reads naturally and well." — Times. The Poetry of Dante By BENEDETTO CROCE Translated by DOUGLAS AINSLIE Demy %vo. los. 6 J. •• To all who are interested in Dante, Croce's study is indispensable, and to those who are intending to approach Dante for the first time there could be no better introduction." — The Outlook. Shakespeare By Professor RAYMOND M. ALDEN La. Cr. %vo. I ox. 6/. This is a scholarly and yet popular life of Shakespeare by a prominent Shakespearean authority. It gives a clear and vivid statement of the known facts respecting Shakespeare's life, and of the prevailing critical judgments of modern scholarship on his works.