Page:China- Its State and Prospects.djvu/79

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those unhappy persons, who are addicted to the use of ardent spirits. The dealers in opium are little aware how much harm they are the instruments of doing, by carrying on this demoralizing and destructive traffic; but, the difference between the increase of the Chinese people, before and after the introduction of opium, ought to open their eyes, and lead them to ask themselves whether they are not accountable for the diseases and deaths of all those, who have suffered by its introduction. And if it be true that the Chinese increased at the rate of three per cent, per annum, before the commencement of the traffic, and at the rate of one per cent, per annum, since, it would be well for them to consider, whether the deficiency is not to be attributed, in some degree, to opium, and the guilt to be laid at the door of those who are instrumental in introducing it. They may flatter themselves, that if the growth of population were not thus checked by the introduction of opium, its increase would be curtailed by wars or pestilences; or the superabundant populace would perish by famine, and starvation effect what opium would not accomplish. Still, whatever cause might contribute to the balancing of the population with the means of subsistence, human life could not be sacrificed, without blame being attached somewhere; and blame, in proportion to the greatness of the evil which might result from the measure.

In addition to the official returns of the population above given, there are others furnished by different European writers, which as they appear to be derived from native sources, deserve some notice here. They are the following.