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and I was suddenly up against it! Not a porter was in sight. I grabbed my load of 'CARE' and tried to drag it; but I had only one hand to spare, and it wouldn't budge. I looked around, and there was every one of those weary men leaning up against the wall and watching me.

"I got enthusiastic all of a sudden. 'Please, one of you come and help me with this,' I called;—and not one of them stirred,—they just looked a little interested and curious.

"'I'll pay you, of course,' I said.

"At that, one of them straightened up part way and thought about it, and then came over and picked up the type-writer and sauntered down toward the rear of the train, and I followed. In a minute a porter in a white coat came running toward us and grabbed the case and hurried me to my car; and the man kept along fast enough until I had gotten a quarter out of my purse, and then he dropped back.

"I took out a fifty-cent piece at the same time, thinking that I had a good chance to get on the right side of the porter, early; and when he placed the case in my section, I handed him the money.