Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/31

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crying, and so, because I said, 'I'm cheery,' they got to calling me that, and——"

"And you grew to fit it," said Uncle Rob. "Well, I guess it would be pretty hard to be sour or cross, with every one saying and thinking such a happy word whenever they spoke to you or thought of you."

And just then the carriage did come around the bend, and Cheery almost screamed in her excitement when she saw the small figure standing up on the front seat and wildly waving a handkerchief. "It's The Chum! It's The Chum!" she cried over and over again. "Help me down, Uncle Rob, help me down, quick!"

The hill never did seem so long before, nor did the horses ever before climb so slowly, and Cheery stood on the lowest step and nearly tumbled off, in her eagerness.

"The Chum is my cousin," she explained to Mr. Cann, between the frantic wavings of her handkerchief. "He used to be only 'Cousin Robbie'; but just anybody can be cousins, so we decided for him to be my