Page:Charters of the Weehawken ferry company.djvu/14

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The charters of The Weehawken Ferry Company, and The Weehawken Plank Road Company, have been secured from the legislature of the State of New Jersey. The western shore of the North River is rapidly peopling with the overflowings of New York, and is advancing briskly in importance. When made more accessible to denizens of the city, its progress will be accelerated. The winter season finds this shore less encumbered with ice than the eastern shore. The summer season sees it surrounded by many advantages. Elevated, fresh and pleasant, the grounds of Weehawken present an invaluable outlet to the thronging thousands of the metropolis. Seekers after salubrious air and recreation, resort hither in warm weather. The region affords many inducements as a desirable and healthful locality for residence. The state of New Jersey is not only free from debt, but receives a large annual revenue from its canals and railroads. Its public schools are flourishing, and derive abundant support from state funds in addition to the amount annually received from Township tax. In Hudson county, several of the schools are already free, and others are upon the verge of this condition.

Taxes in this county are much less than in New York, and this reason, with others, is leading many to escape from the din and dust of the city to more congenial homes on the other side of the river. The position of the Ferry Depot on the New Jersey side will be opposite a point between 50th and 60th streets, New York City. Ample support, particularly in the pleasant season, will be early afforded to it. Agricultural and manufacturing products in great quantities, will be annually con-