Page:Cather--One of ours.djvu/449

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Bidding the Eagles of the West Fly On

very old indeed,—broken, hopeless, as if he were sick of this world and done with it. Nowhere in France had Claude seen a face so sad as his. Yes, he would say a prayer. It was better to have Christian burial, and they were far from home, poor fellows! David asked him whether the German rule had been very oppressive, but the old man did not answer clearly, and his hands began to shake so uncontrollably over his cassock that they went away to spare him embarrassment.

“He seems a little gone in the head, don’t you think?” Claude remarked.

“I suppose the war has used him up. How can he celebrate mass when his hands quiver so?” As they crossed the church steps, David touched Claude’s arm and pointed into the square. “Look, every doughboy has a girl already! Some of them have trotted out fatigue caps! I supposed they’d thrown them all away!”

Those who had no caps stood with their helmets under their arms, in attitudes of exaggerated gallantry, talking to the women,—who seemed all to have errands abroad. Some of them let the boys carry their baskets. One soldier was giving a delighted little girl a ride on his back.

After the funeral every man in the Company found some sympathetic woman to talk to about his fallen comrades. All the garden flowers and bead wreaths in Beaufort had been carried out and put on the American graves. When the squad fired over them and the bugle sounded, the girls and their mothers wept. Poor Willy Katz, for instance, could never have had such a funeral in South Omaha.

The next night the soldiers began teaching the girls to dance the “Pas Seul” and the “Fausse Trot.” They had found an old violin in the town; and Oscar, the Swede, scraped away on