Page:Cather--One of ours.djvu/393

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AFTER breakfast Claude reported to Headquarters and talked with one of the staff Majors. He was told he would have to wait until tomorrow to see Colonel James, who had been called to Paris for a general conference. He had left in his car at four that morning, in response to a telephone message.

“There’s not much to do here, by way of amusement,” said the Major. “A movie show tonight, and you can get anything you want at the estaminet,—the one on the square, opposite the English tank, is the best. There are a couple of nice Frenchwomen in the Red Cross barrack, up on the hill, in the old convent garden. They try to look out for the civilian population, and we’re on good terms with them. We get their supplies through with our own, and the quartermaster has orders to help them when they run short. You might go up and call on them. They speak English perfectly.”

Claude asked whether he could walk in on them without any kind of introduction.

“Oh, yes, they’re used to us! I’ll give you a card to Mile. Olive, though. She’s a particular friend of mine. There you are: ‘Mlle. Olive de Courcy, introducing, etc.’ And, you understand,” here he glanced up and looked Claude over from head to foot, “she’s a perfect lady.”

Even with an introduction, Claude felt some hesitancy about presenting himself to these ladies. Perhaps they didn’t like Americans; he was always afraid of meeting French people