Page:Cather--One of ours.djvu/210

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One of Ours

stretched himself out upon two wicker chairs and lit another cigar. At twelve o’clock the porter came in.

“This car is closed for the night, sah. Is you the gen’leman from the stateroom in fourteen? Do you want a lower?”

“No, thank you. Is there a smoking car?”

“They is the day-coach smokah, but it ain’t likely very clean at this time o’ night.”

“That’s all right. It’s forward?” Claude absently handed him a coin, and the porter conducted him to a very dirty car where the floor was littered with newspapers and cigar stumps, and the leather cushions were grey with dust. A few desperate looking men lay about with their shoes off and their suspenders hanging down their back. The sight of them reminded Claude that his left foot was very sore, and that his shoes must have been hurting him, for some time. He pulled them off, and thrust his feet, in their silk socks, on the opposite seat.

On that long, dirty, uncomfortable ride Claude felt many things, but the paramount feeling was homesickness. His hurt was of a kind that made him turn with a sort of aching cowardice to the old, familiar things that were as sure as the sunrise. If only the sagebrush plain, over which the stars were shining, could suddenly break up and resolve itself into the windings of Lovely Creek, with his father’s house on the hill, dark and silent in the summer night! When he closed his eyes he could see the light in his mother’s window; and, lower down, the glow of Mahailey’s lamp, where she sat nodding and mending his old shirts. Human love was a wonderful thing, he told himself, and it was most wonderful where it had least to gain.

By morning the storm of anger, disappointment, and humiliation that was boiling in him when he first sat down in the