Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/80

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A816630 - A816668
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816629 (con.)

13 Callaqhan and Company; 10Dec76: A816629.


Uniform commercial code reportinq service- Looseleaf volume (uniform code, state correlation, code index) Nov. 1976, release no. 94; looseleaf volume (cases, commentar/, finding aids) vol- 20, Nov. 1976, release no. 1; cumulative rindex, vol. 20, release 1. 2 v. £ sheets. Appl- au: Pike and Fischer, Inc. 6 John H- Hillrs. e Callaqhan and Company; 30Dec76; A816630.


Federai local court rules. Release no. 32, Dec. 1976. Edited by Henry G. Fischer £ John H. Billis. Sheets (131 p.) C Callaqhan and Company; 29Dec76; A816631.


Federal rules service findex. Release no. 5. Sheets (38 p.) NB: editorial compilation- @ Callaqhan and Company; 300ec76; A816632-


Computer law service- Newsletter, Nov. 1976; reporter vol. 5, release no. 9: current case locater, vol. 5, releases 1-9, Nov. 1976; current table of cases, vol. 5. releases 1-9, Nov. 1976; supplemental index, table of contents, Nov. 1976, suppl. to articles £ appendices for vol. 1-4. 6 V- £ sheets (353 p-) Appl- au; Robert P- Biqeiow. Q Callaqhan and Company: 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A816633.

AS 16634.

The Faith and life of a Free Methodist. Editor, compiler: lloyd H. Knox. 89 p. a Liqht and Life Press; 10Auq76; A816634.


Great todays, better tomorrows. By Robert H. Fine. 84 p. 8 Liqht and Life Press; 20Auq76; 4816635.

AB 16636.

Thank you, God, for ninety-five pounds of peanut butter. By Dotsey Weill ver, 196 p. e Liqht and Life Press; 10Auq76: A816636.


Guitar lanquaqe teach yourself free-form improvisation technique. 1 v. Appl. au: David Bruce Lawrence. P- 16-27 prev. req. 4Jul76. © David Bruce Lawrence; 10ct76; 4816637-


Evaluation and negotiation techniques.


Notes for the week of October 1 1-october 15, 1976. By E. U- Holm £ others. Multiple volumes. Appl. au: ASSU Lecture Notes Service. 6 ASSU Lecture Notes Service, a division of the Associated Students of Stanford University; 220ct76; A816639.


Notes for the week of October 4-October 8, 1976„ By K. a. Holm £ others. Multiple volumes. Appl. au: ASSU Lecture Notes Service. € ASSU Lecture Notes Service, a division of the Associated Students of Stanford University; 150ct76; A816640-


Nutrition manual- Prepared by the Dietetic Subcommittee, Northwest Allegheny Hospitals Corporation. 210 p. O Northwest Allegheny Hospitals Cor- poration; 2»flar76; 4816641.

AS 16642.

Elevator World's educational package. Editor: William c. Sturgeon. 2nd ed. 1 v. e Elevator World; 1Apr76; 4816642.

481664 3.

U may. 1 v. Appl. au: Thetis E. Norman. a Thetis E. Norman; 10ct76; A816643.


Ferrari 246 GI-GT/S repair and workshop manual. 189 p. Appl. au: Anqelo Wallace. Translation of an original Italian publication, Dino 246 Gl-instr uzioni tecniche. IJM: translation. © Anqelo Wallace; 15Nov76; A816644.


Pregnancy and the perceived level of powerlessness. By Bette Blome Winyall. Sheets (208 p.) Bette Blome Winyall; 29NOV76; A816645.


Confessions of an anteater. By Neal H. Seymour with ill us. by Hilary C- Seymour. 54 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1968. 6 The Lancress Group; 15Nov76: 4816646.


You've qot the gun, and I'm cryinq. By Neal B. Seymour with illus. by Hilary Courtney Seymour. 93 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1968. 6 The Lancress Group; 15NOV76: 4816647.


ABC Company: an auditor's manual and model for an opinion engagement. Prepared by the professional staff of Glenn Ingram and Company. 1 v. (Glenn Ingram and Company certified public accountants: professional staff manual) NM: revisions. S Glenn Ingram and Company; 24Nav76; 4816648.


XYZ Company: an auditor's manual and model for a non- opinion engagement. Prepared by the professional staff of Glenn Ingram and Company. 1 v. (Glenn Ingram and Company certified public accountants: professional staff manual) NM: revisions. Glenn Ingram and Company; 24Nov76; A816649.


Home run baseball. Wall chart 6 folder. (Life Learning games) e David H. Bearwin d.b.a. Life Learning; 29Dec76; 4816650.


Book of prints for coloring and framing. 7 p. e Nancy H. Eettig £ William C. aettig d.b.a N/B Eettig; 27Dec76; A816651.


Career decisions game. Developed by Anthony a. Plaskonos £ Samuel Savitz. Kit. e McGraw-Hill; 2Jan76; AS16652.


Sweet's catalog file: products for engineering; mechanical, sanitary fi related products. Vol. 1-2, 1977. Add. ti; Sweet's products for engineering, 1977. Sweet's Division, McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A816653.


Sweet's Catalog file, 1977. Vol. 1-6. Add. ti: Sweet's Products for engineering, comprehensive edition, 1977. g Sweet's Division — McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company; 28Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; 4816654.


Holt individualized music program; guide sheet, spirit masters. By Eunice Boardman £ Barbara 4ndress. Sheets in envelope £ cards. Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au: Holt, Einehart and Winston. a Holt, Einehart and Winston; 2Sep75; A816655.


P. U.E. executive information service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2240, Dec. 2, 1976. Managing editor: Lucien E. Smartt. Folder. S Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 2Dec76; A816656.


P. U.E. executive information service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2241, Dec. 9, 1976- Managing editor: Lucien E- Smartt- Folder. S Public otilities Reports, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4S16657.


P.D.E. executive information service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2243, Dec. 23, 1976. Managing editor: Lucien E. Smartt. Folder, e Public utilities Eeports, Inc.; 23Dec76: A816658.


P. U. E. executive information service, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2242, Dec. 16, 1976. Managing editor: Lucien E. Smartt. Folder. S Public Utilities Eeports, Inc.; 16Dec76; A816659.


P.u. B. executive information set lice, weekly letter — utilities. No. 2244, Dec. 30, 1976. Managing editor: Lucien E. Smartt. Folder, e Public Utilities Reports, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4816660.


Index to 1976 guestion sheets; questions £ answers 14051 to 14310 inclusive. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. Folder (4 p.) e Public Utilities Eeports, Inc. ; 16Dec76; 4816661.


Federal utility regulation annotated (FUE4) current service (FPC) No. 684, Dec. 23, 1976. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. p. 17265-17288. S Public Utilities Reports, Inc.; 23Dec76: 4816662.


P.U. R. guestion sheets. No. 1431, Dec. 16, 1976. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. Folder (4 p.) e Public Utilities Eeports, Inc.; 16Dec76; 4816663.


P.U.R. guestion sheets. No. 1430, Dec. 2. 1976. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. Folder (4 p.) e Public Utilities Reports, Inc. ; 2Dec76; AS16664.


Federal utility regulation annotated fFUE4) current service (FPC) No. 683, Dec. 8, 1976. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy, p. 17245-17264. 9 Public Utilities Reports, Inc.; SDec76; 4816665.


Hughes-Peters, Inc. Catalog no. 54. 496 p. NM: additions £ revisions. d Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 21Dec76; 4816666.


Joseph Electronics, Inc.; industrial catalog. No. 077. 328 p. NM: additions £ revisions. O Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 17Dec76; A816667.


The Thirties: fiction, poetry, drama.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.