Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/78

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A816549 — A816589
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A8165148 (con.)

PubilshiDq CoiDpany, Xnc_ ; 21Dec76; fiei65«8. 1816549.

airships for the future. By Killiam J. White. 160 p. Appl. states all aeu except for prev. pub. photos. & illus. e Sterling Publishinq Company, Inc.; 31Dec76; 48165U9.


Early America in miniatures; the 18th century. By Haric Woodruff, photography by Charles E. Woodruff. 176 p. © Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.; 31Dec76; A616550.


Music in the Christian community; claiming musical power for service & uorship. By Dale Topp. 205 p. 6 Billiam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 5Jan77 <in notice: 1976) : A816551.


Theological dictionary of the New Testament. Vol. 10. compiled by Ronald E. Pitkin, portions translated E adapted by Geoffrey K. Bromiley. 661 p. Portions translated £ adapted from Theoloqisches Boerterbuch zum Neuen Testament, zehnter Band, hrsg. von Gerhard friedrich. NH; compilation. 6 Billiam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 17Nov76; A816552.


Gerald fi. Ford: a man in perspective. As portrayed in the Gerald R. Ford mural by Paul Collins, photography by John a. Fulton, Jr. £ Candace Brown, text by Tom LaBeile, pref- by Fred Myers, poetry by w. Randolph Brown. 39 p. e Paul Collins; 190ct76; AS16553.


Trailer park tramp. By Jack L. Saunders, Jr. 33 p. ig Jack L, Saunders, Jr.; 31Auq76: 4816551.


Whitespace. By Jack L. Saunders, Jr. 18 p. e Jack L. Saunders, Jr.; 31Aug76; A816555.


Notebooks, 1965-1973. By George Simon, abridged with a commentary by Timothy O'Reilly. I495 p. 6 Mildred Owen Simon £ Timothy O'Reilly; 2tDec76; 4816556.


The Dharani sutra; the sutra of the vast, great, perfect, full, unimpeded great compassion heart Dharanx of the thousand-handed, thousand-eyed Bodhisattva who regards the world's sounds. Uith the commentary of Hsuan Hua, translated from the Chinese by the Buddhist Text Translation Society, primary translation; Heng Yin, edited by Heng Kuan £ Kuo Chou Bounds. 339 p. 6 The Buddhist Text Translation Society (in notice: Sino- American Buddhist Association, Buddhist Text Translation Society); 10Dec76; A816557.


Dawn; poetry. By Mary Angeline Bell. 2<t p. 9 Mary Angeline Bell; 22Dec76; A816558.


o, golden land! A travelog in verse- By Aaron Kramer. 55 p. nanv sections of this poem first pub. in Adelphi quarterly £ others. C Aaron Kramer; 100ec76; A816559.


Federal employees' almanac, 1977. Edited by Joseph young, associate editor; Lucille younq. 2tth annual ed. 156 p. Appl- states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. O Federal Employees' Hews Digest, Inc.; 26Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; Aei6560.

A81656 1.

Tales, treasures and pirates of old Monterey. By Randall 4. Seinstedt. 72 p. NM; additions £ compilation. 6 Randall A. fieinstedt; 234uq76; 48 16561-


tilliam Bronk, 109 p. C on ess 4816 56 2.


Sweethearts. By Jayne 4nne Phillips. 1 V. Portions first appeared in Attaboy £ others. ^ Jayne Anne Phillips; 1Aug76; A816563.


Bob and Dot. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVrier. 1 v. (Mary Jane LeCrone 's Introduction to reading, no. 3) e nary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; 4816564.


Bud and the bug. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVrier. 1 v. (Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading, no. 5) 6 Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76: A8165S5.

A81656 6.

Sam and the ant. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVrier. 1 v. (Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading, no. 2) O Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; 4816566.


The Fox and the hen. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVrier. 1 v. (Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading, no. 4) Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; 4816567.


Kip and Kit. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVrier. 1 v. (Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading, no. 6) e Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; A816568.


I see. By Mary Jane LeCrone, illus. by Hugh LeVriar. 1 v. (Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading, no. 1) © Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; 4816569.


Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading; instruction booklet. 8 p- Add. ti: Instruction booklet for Mary Jane Lecrone's Introduction to reading. © Mary Jane LeCrone; 31Dec76; A816570.


National Automobile Theft Bureau 1977 passenger vehicle identification manual. 142 p. Add. ti: NATB 1977 passenger vehicle identification manual. g National Automobile Theft Bureau; 27Dec76 (in notice; 1977); A816571.


How you can grow all of your own food; a natural step-by-step method. By Hilliam Behr Mueller. 125 p. William Behr Mueller; 6Dec76: 4816572.


Genetic babies. By V. L. Ellicott. 148 p. O V. L. Ellicott; 4NOV76; 4816573.


Penman (in search of a way with words) 4 book of poems by Daniel Rodger Queen, foreword by Cynthia Milkman, cover design by Vanel Hawkins. 1 v. iB Daniel H. Queen; 17Dec76; A816574.

learning, . motivation, development, and progress. By Anton S. Pater. 4 18 p- 8 Anton S- Pater; 2Jan77; A816575.


The Working papers of the 1975 conference on Education of Psychiatrists. Editorial board: James N. Sussex £ others. 423 p. conference held at Lake of the Ozarks, BO, June 9-15, 1975. Appl. au: American Psychiatric 4ssociation. & American Psychiatric Association; 20Dec76; 4816576.


Inventory of California natural areas. Vol. 7. Editor: Leslie Hood 1 v.

9 California Natural Areas Coordinating council; 10Dec76; A816577.


Plush-Pelt playmates. 23 p. e Harold Mangelsen and Sons, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4816578.


Motivating -personnel and managing conflict. Articles selected by the Journal of nursing administration editorial staff. 2nd ed. 64 p. e contemporary Publishing, Inc.; 10Dec76; A816579.


Management selling guide for total building automation systems. 1 v. e Johnson Controls, Inc.; 111Iov76: 4816580.


Greek proverbs. By Steven George Economou. 1 v. Greek, romanized Greek £ English. @ Steven G. Economou; 25Dec76; A816581.


Aleutka stock plans; Letcher offshore design. Designer: John S. Letcher, Jr. 1 V. O John S. Letcher, Jr- ; 4Jan77; 4816582-


The Paradox: did medical science miss the boat? By Bernard L. Baron. 29 p. 6 Bernard L. Baron; 20Dec76; A8165S3.


Our Constitution and government; grades 5 thru adult- No. SS-11, liquid duplicating masters. By Fred S- Justus. 24 p. Appl. au:' ESP, Inc. S ESP, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4816584.


Writing to solve problems. By James D. Baker. 153 p. Portion prev. pub. in Communication and problem-solving in a changing world, prev. reg. 1974- ^ James D. Baker; 3Jan77; A816585-


Operating manual: Kent-Moore liquid volumetric line leak tester. 19 p. Add. ti; Procedure manual for the operation of the Kent-aoore liquid volumetric line leak tester (LVLLT) 6 Kent-Moore Corporation; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A816586.


lOB computation system for FORTRAN computers; user's manual and text. By David Bigman Jaffe. 21 p- 9 David B. Jaffe; 90ec76; A816587.


los computation system for the HP-67/97; instruction manual and program texts. By David Bigman Jaffe. 1 v- 6 David B. Jaffe; 31Dec76; 4816588.


Jewish egg farmers in New Jersey. By

Joan charlene Rubinstein Barch. 128 p.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.