Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/246

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A823317 — A823356
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A823316 (con.)

5iiiita. NB: portions on p. 30, 33 6 51. e Jonathan Bacon; 18Dec76; A823316.


Specifications and instructions for use ana maintenance of your ExekArtchart. Folder. (ExekArtchart prevail series) G Barrett and Associates^ 23Dec76; 4823317.


Joseph Nicoletti; paintings and drawings. Foreword by Eussell J. Moore, introd. by Jeffrey Muller. 1 v. Add. ti: Joseph Nicoletti: paintings, drawings. Appl. au; Bowdoin College. & The president and Trustees of Bowdoin college; 26Jan77; 4823318.


Corporate telephone directories can be improved! Folder. Appl. au: Andrew Kotchoubey 6 Andrew R. Martella. e Automatech Graphics Corporation; 21Jan77; 4823319.


aumistat. Folder. Appl. a u: Frederick J. Zurofsky (Fred) S Fred Zurofsky; 1Feb77; A823320.


Area 1: Pro-ject/thesis chapter 1. nodule topic C; Project planning. Hodule title 3: Procedure for tiae management. 5 p. e Institute for Professional Development ; 1Ilar76: 4823321.


4rea 3: Project/thesis chapter 3. laodule topic D: Instrumentation. Module title 6: Data collection process. 8 p. e Institute for Professional Development; 1Dec76: 4823322.


Area U; Proiect/thesis chapter 4- Module topic A: Writing chapter 1. Module title 1: Beading on outline of contents. It p. a Institute for Professional Development; 1Mar76: 4823323.


Area 3: Project/thesis chapter 3- Module topic D: Instrumentation. Module title 5; Instrument feedback. 1 p. © Institute for Professional Development; 1Dec76; A823324.


area 3: Project/thesis chapter 3. Module topic D: Instrumentation. Module title li: Developing evaluation inst- ruments. 45 p. e Institute for Professional Development; 1Dec76; A 3 233 25.


Ethnic and population changes in San Francisco, By Peter Esainko. 112 p. © peter Esainko; 15Dec76; 4823326.


Venture methodology, a guide for successful venture development. 40 p. e Venture Associates; 4Peb77; A823327.


A Report on Colgate-Palmolive Company, January 12, 1977. By Hercules 4. Segalas. 35 p. Add. ti: Colgate-Palmolive research report. Appl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. @ Drexel Buxnham and Company, Inc.; 12Jan77; 4823328.


The Early history of Nassau Village, 1609-1830, with brief biographical sketches of early settlers. By Paul s. Uuey S Ralph D. Phillips. 2nd ed. 42 p. 6 Nassau Free Library: 11Dec76; A823329.


Garlock Plasti-Thread PTFE tape sealant. 2 p. e Garlock, Inc.; 20Dec76; A823330.


Real estate principles 1; a corres- pondence course, student manual. 190 p. NM; revision. 9 The Institute of Financial Education; 10Jan77 (iji notice: 1976) ; A823331.

Aa 23332.

Housing: design and planning; a correspondence course, student manual. 128 p. NM: revision. 6 The Institute of Financial Education; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A823332.

A8 23333.

Supervisory personnel management 1 ; a correspondence course, student manual. 91 p. NM : revision. 9 The Institute of Financial Education; 15Jan77; A823333.


Laboratory manual of exercises. By Patricia Del Bey 6 others. 169 p. & insert. (An Introduction to measurement in physical education, vol. 5) Appl. au: Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. ; 3Mar70; A823334.


Physical fitness. By Sayne D. Van Huss 6 others. 131 p. (An Introduction to measurement in physical education, vol. 4) Appl. au: Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. e Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc.; 3Mar70; 4823335.


Sports tests and evaluation in dance. By John A. Faulkner E others. 100 p. (An Introduction to measurement in physical education, vol. 3) Appl. au: Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. 6 Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. ; 3Mar70; A823336.


Growth, development and body compo- sition. By G. Lawrence Barick, Henry J. Montoye £ Vern Seefeldt. 112 p. (An Introduction to measurement in physical education, vol. 2) Appl. au: Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. 6 Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. ; 3Bar70; A823337.

482333 8.

Principles and operational practices. By Benjamin H. Hassey others. 97 p. (An Introduction to measurement in physical education, vol. 1) Appl. au: Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. © Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity, Inc. ; 3Mar70; 4823338.


Getting the facts. Booklet F. By Richard A. Boning. 3rd ed, 1 v. (Specific skill series) e Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 4Feb77; A823339.


Locating the answer. Booklet E. By Richard A. Boning. 3rd ed. 1 v. (Specific skill series) S Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 4Feb77; A823340.


Getting the facts. Booklet E. By Richard A. Boning. 3rd ed. 1 v. (Specific skill series) 6 Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 4Feb77; 4823341.

432334 2.

Yiddish literature in English tran- slation: list of books in print. Compiled by Dina 4bramowicz. 22 p. English S Yiddish. NM: editing fi additional text. O YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4823342.


A Study guide for The Computer and society: instructor's manual. Compiled by Roger a. Pi task y. 1 v. Appl. au: East Central College Consortium. O East central College Consortium; 8Jan77; A823343.


From Helene's personal papers: discoveries in Saint John (The Gospel according to Saint John) Chap. 1-21. Sneets in folder. Add. ti: Now take my hand. 6 Helene "Spring" DeBoe; 10Oct76; A823344.


4-season leisure homes. 1 v. Appl. au: John Lauderdale. Q Better Homes Publications, Inc.; 27Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A823345.


Household products industry update, January 1977. By Hercules 4. Segalas, issued by Drexel, Burnham, Lambert. 39 p. Appl. au: Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc. Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc.; 14Jan77; A823346.


Interpersonal services. Inc. Ser. 2. 33 p. 6 Interpersonal Services, Inc. ; 24Jan77; A823347.


Sears 1977 catalog of accessories for mobile homes, recreational vehicles and camping; Atlanta, Memphis, Greensboro and others. 79 p. C Sears, Roebuck and Company; 24Jan77; A823348.


Sears 1977 catalog of accessories for mobile homes, recreational vehicles and camping; Philadelphia, Boston. 79 p. © Sears, Roebuck and Company; 17Jan77; A823349.


Sears 1977 catalog of accessories for mobile homes, recreational vehicles and camping; Seattle. 79 p. 6 Sears, Roebuck and Company; 19Jan77; A823350.


Sears 1977 catalog of accessories for mobile homes, recreational vehicles and camping; Chicago, Columbus, Minneapolis. 79 p. e Sears, Roebuck and Company; 17Jan77; A823351.


Sears 1977 catalog of accessories for mobile homes, recreational vehicles and camping; Los Angeles. 79 p. 9 Sears, Roebuck and Company; 24Jan77; 4823352.


4 Simulation model for graduate- education planning in the university. By Robert Lewis Chew. 52 p. (CEHS, 2) Prev. pub. 15flar76, 4731238. NM: abridgment. e Robert L. Chew; 24Nov76; A823353.


4nti-cancer and immunosuppressive agents. By Billiam Peter McCann. 23 p. 9 William Peter HcCann; 2?eb77; 4823354.


The Cults: a rendezvous with unreason. By Douglas Paul Hervey. 23 p. © The Lincoln 4ssociates press; 30Jan77; 4823355.


House plan favorites. Issue no. 42. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Richard S. Campen. NM: additional text £ pictorial matter. 8 Bouse Plan Favorites, Inc.; 31Dec76;



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