Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/237

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A822961 — A822339
JAN.-JUN. 1977


tiarsfaall valuation service, January 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: frank C. Svift. O aacshall and Suif t Publication Coipany: 6Jan77; A822961.


The DeSoto Hilton invitation. 1 p. DeSoto Hilton ilotel; 14Jau77: A822962.


Report on the class of 1976. Prepared by Francrs D. Fisher for The Office of Career Services and Off-Canpus Learning. IV. O President and Fellows of Harvard Colleqe; 2?eb77; A822963.


Finding your soul chart through esoteric astrology. By Laura J. clarson- 58 p. Based on the Alice Bailey boo)t Esoteric astrology. 8 Laura J. Clarson; 1ilJan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A822964.


BeflectioQS and aeraories. By Hargie L. Garrett. 36 p. Hargie L. Garrett; 29Jan77: A822965.


A Hybrid computer program coabining process control «ith data processing, sysl and SYS2. 1 V. C Datatron Corporation; 31Jan77; A822966.


A Sejt attitude survey and profile. Counselors and educators aianual for the sex attitudes survey and profile. By Gelolo McHugh 6 Tho»as G. ncHugh. 20 p. E folder (6 p.) O Faiiily Life Publications, Inc.; 1NOV76; 1822967.


Classification literature automated search service. Vol. t, Jan. -Dec. 1975. Editor: Halter B. Fitch. 80 p. C The Classification Society (North American Branch); 31Jan77: A822968.


Beit Property Managers, Ltd. systems manual, September 10, 1976. I v. Ippl. au: Stanley H. Ueinstein £ Uoiiard Pomp. Beit Property aanagers, Ltd.; 9Nov76: 1822969.


Suggested price list, effective January 1977. Ho. 801-0414. 11 p. e Aamco Transmissions, Inc.; 17Dec76: A822970.


Oroonoko. By Thomas Soqtherne, edited by Haximillian E. Novak David Stuart Bodes. 143 p. (Begents Restoration drama series) BH: additions. O University of Nebraska Press; 26JaD77 (in notice: 1976); 1822971.


Horse tales. Edited by Suzanne yilding (Suzanne sliding Del Balso} , illus. by Sam Savitt. 201 p. bUz coapilatioa. C Suzanne lildinq Del Balso; 2<l)lov76; 1822972.


The Hearing trumpet. By Leonora Carrington, illus. by Pablo Heisz- Carrington. 158 p. Translation of Le Cornet acoustigue. on translation; Leonora Carrington; 150ct76; 1822973.


Beaven is a playground. By Bick Telander. 282 p. 1 section prev. pub. in Sports illustrated 27Auq76 as Oneasy rise of a Brooklyn star. d Bick Telander; 17Dec76: 1822974.


Minor gods. By Boderick Carl Townley. 215 p. O Bod TOHnley; 27Dec76; 1822975.


Duel on the wind; a novel of the lmerica*s Cup challenge. By Richard 1. Duprey. 404 p. 6 Bichard Duprey; 150ct7b; 1822976.


Under Gemini. By fiosamunde Pilcher. 282 p. Bosaauude Pilcher; 220ct76; 1822977.


The Modern Presidency. By Grant HcConnell. 2nd ed. 133 p. 9 Saint Martin's Press, Inc.; 150ct76; A822978.


The Story o£ Christian origins; or. The sources and establishment of Bestern religion. By Martin A. Larson. 711 p. Add. ti: The Source and establishment of Hestern religion. S Martin A. Larson: 7Jajl77; A822979.


Inalytical toicicology methods manual- Edited by H. M. Stahr. 315 p. KM: additions- O Iowa state University Besearch Foundation, Inc.; 24Jao77; A822980.


American Samoa code- Title 1-34. tables £ indei. 1976 cumulative pocket suppl. for use in 1977. 2 v. Ippl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation- 6 Government Secretary of American Samoa for the Territory of American Samoa; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8229ai.


Neu Hampshire revised statutes annotated. Chap. 1-651. 1976 pamphlet. 154 p. Add. ti: Hen Hampshire RSI pamphlet, 1976. For use vith 1975 cumulative supplements. Appl- au: Equity Publishing Corporation. 6 The Secretary of State of the State of New Hampshire: I5Dec76; A822982.


Lavs of the State of Neu Hampshire passed in special session, 1976, convened December 3D. 1975, through June 10, 1976. 107 p. Add. ti: New Hampshire: laws of the special session, 1976; New Hampshire special session, 1976. Ippl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation. The Secretary of State of the State of New Hampshire; 30NOV76; 1822983.


On TESOL '76- Edited by John F. Fanselow £ Buth H. Crymes. 276 p. Selections based on teaching done at the tenth annual TESOL convention. New York, NT, Mar. 2-7, 1976. O Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages: 6JaQ77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1822984.


Super Seal Ford, anti-corrosion treatment, application manual. 1 v. Add. ti : Super Seal application manual. C Pord Motor Company; 4Nov76: A822985.


Advertising information service. 5 v. Appl. au : Ualter B. Bennett £ Jean Von 5. Bennett. Prev. reg. A713051. NM: additions £ revisions. Informational Science, Inc. ; 24Nov76: 1822986.


Pinnacle, a game to improve vocabulary. By Kenneth VauderHeulen. Kit. Kenneth yanderMeulen; 1Feb77; 1822987.


Homelands of the world: resources and cultures. By Jack Ibramowitz £ Kenneth 1. Job. 407 p. Globe Book Company, Inc.; 17Jan77; 1822988.


BcCormick-Bathers learning math la; a skills program- Kit. Add- ti: Learning math kit 1A. Ippl. au: Sue Tucker £ Joydene Bheeler. Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 30NOV76; A822989.


Individualized reading skills program; reading skill booklets. Level C. By William K. Durr, Bobert L. Uillerich fi Clifford I. Johnson- Kit. IdJ . ti: Individual reading skills program: reading skills booklets, level c. Ippl. au: Houghton Mifflin Company, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ new material. O Houghton Mifflin company; 50ct76; 1822990.


Individualized reading skills program; pre-assessment tests. Level C. By Hilliam K- Durr, Robert L. Hillerich £ Clifford I. Johnson. Kit. idd. t i: Individual reading skills program; pre-assessment tests, level C. Ippl. au: Houghton Mifflin Company, employer for hire. NH: revisions £ new material. Q Houghton Mifflin Company; 50ct76; 1822991.


Labor supply of wives and young family members in the hired farm work force. By Ronald Lance Shane. nicroCilm. O Ronald Lance Shane; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976| ; A822992.


Selected factors associated with the value orientations of disadvantaged farm families located in the Coastal Plains area of North Carolina. By Darl Everett Snyder. Microfilm- Darl Everett Snyder; 14Jan77 (in notice: 197b) ; 1822993.


The Development of suggested guidelines to facilitate occupational updating of post secondary vocational and technical education teachers. By Lowell Inderson Speight. Microfilm. G Lowell Inderson Speight; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1822994.


Educators' perceptions of the concept of career education. By Charles Edwin Haters. Microfilm. O Charles Edwin Haters; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1822995.


Transient sound radiation from the impact of a sphere with a thick plate. By Adnan Akay. Microfilm. C Adoan Akay; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1822996.


Behavior modification training: a study of the effects in a hospital- By Linda HcGee Calvert. Microfilm. Linda HcGee Calvert; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A822997.


The Social ecology equity change guest: process and sumnative review of a Sapient intersystems program. By Timothy Thomas Ryan. Microfilm. Ippl. states all new witn exception of appendices B-E- e Timothy Thomas Ryan; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A822998.


Spherical functions

mpact groups.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.