Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1557

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BB54381 - BB54421
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB54380 (con.)

1977, p. 12-13) e on text; K. I. Boruton: l5Hac77: BB54380.


Code 45. By Aitheada Jasu Davis. (Id Aaerican journal of nursing, Apr. 1977, p. 627-628) e A. Jann Davis: 10Apr77: BBS43 81.


Research and exploration of stone settings. Pt. 2. By Jonathan 0. Parry. (In Casting and jeuelcy craft, Har./Apc. 1977, p. 6, etc.) Jonathan o. Parry; 12aaT77; 8654382.


5 cents — 10 cents — 25 cents = $1,- 000.000,000: a history of the origin of the autonatic coin laundry. Pt. 8. By Clinton B. Fuller, Jr. (In Neu era laundry and cleaning lines, May 1977, p. 22, etc.) O Clinton a. Puller, Jr.; 16aay77; BB54383.


In 1917 ue were here when the aansions and the cribs alike vent out of business. By John Hllds. drawing by John Chase. (In The States- Itei, Hew Orleans, Nay 24, 1977. p. A-15) Appl. au: The Tiies- Plcayune Publishing Corporation, enployer foe hire of John Hilds. The States- Ite»; 24Bay77; BB54384.


Pornography problem puzzler in area poll. (lour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, aay 20, 1977. p. 1) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 20aay77: BBS4385.


Poll says laetrlle should be legal, (lour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, nay 27, 1977, p. 1) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 27nay77; 8854386.


Involuntary psychiatry. By Thoaas Szasz. (In University of Cincinnati law review, vol. 45. no. 3, 1976, p. 347-365) Thomas Szasz: 24Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : BB54387.


50% see energy disaster possible. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Apr. 29. 1977, p. 1-2) Saint Paul Dispatch; 29Apr77: BB5433e.


Born tall. By Sarnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly. lopeka, KS, Bay 31. 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Garnet K. Tien; 311iay77; BB543 89.


The LED watch module. By Louis A. Zanoni. (In Uorological Times, aay 1977, p. 34. etc.) Louis A. Zanoni; laay77; BB54390.


Unsoundness of the joints, ligaments and tendons. By Bobert C. fioblnson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, aay 1977, p. 26-32) C Bobert c. Bobinson (in notice: Bob Bobinson) : 16Hay77; BB54391.


What's the difference? By Eonald Strothers. (In Stuff, Hewark, »J, Bay 12, 1977. p. 2) e Sonald Strothers, whose pseud. Is Scvln Hilroy; IIHay/?; BB54392.


If I wuz u. By Kevin Bilroy, pseud, of Bonald Strothers. Add. tl: If I was u. (In Stuff, Newark, »J, aay 12, 1977, p. 2) Bonald Strothers, whose pseud, is Nevin Hilroy; 1laay77; BB54393.


State's office for Insurance being probed. By earl Golz. (Id The Dallas morning news, aay 8. 1977, p. U-2A) Appl. au: Tbe Dallas aoroing N'ews. The Dallas aorning trews; eaay77; 8B54394.


Black Eplscopalrans in Savannah: 227 years of black Episcopal worship in Savannah. By Charles L. Uoskins. (In The Savannah tribune, aay 25, 1977, p. 7) O Charles L. Hoskins; 25aay77; BB54395.


Opening the mikes to retired politicos. By Bose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In Ithaca (HI) new times, Bar. 31, 1977. p. 17) Hose K. Goldsen; 31aar77; BBS4396.


A Gradeschool lobby. By Eose K. Goldsen. (The show 'n tell machine) (In Ithaca (HY) new times, aay 26. 1977, p. 6) Bose K. Goldsen: 26Hay77; 8854397.


Electronic psych. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n tell machine) (In Ithaca (HI) new times, Apr. 28, 1977, p. 21) O Bose K. Goldsen; 2eApr77: 8854398.


Harry Longabaugh — the Sundance Kid, the early years. 1867-1889. By aary S. Garaan. (In Bits and pieces, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 1-9) C Bary S. Garmau; 2aaay77; 8854399.


aiuistry of taste. By Base K. Goldsen. (UD the tube) (In Itbaca (N¥) new times, Apr. 21, 1977, p. 21) Hose K. Goldsen; 21Apr77; BB54400.


The Pitchmen and the public good. By £ose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Apr. 14, 1977, p. 19) e Bose K. Goldsen; 14Apr77: BB54401.


A Plug-in drug. By Sose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n* tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, aay 5. 1977. p. 17) 6 Bose K. Goldsen; 5Hay77; BB54402.


Sneaky smut seeps in. By Bose K. Goldsen. iln Ithaca (NY) new times. Bay 19. 1977, p. 4) Bose K. Goldsen; 19aay77; BB54403.


TV's Angels heralding porn. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times. Bay 12, 1977. p. 17) Bose K. Goldsen: 12aay77; BB54404.


Halking through the fire. By Laurel Lee. (In Family circle, aay 3 1. 1977, p. 59-66) Laurel Lee; 4aay77: BB54405.


Adam Youngblood. By Baiter K. Zakrzewski. (In The Gadfly, Troy. PA, aay 1977, p. 11) Nalter K. Zakrzewski; 7aay77; BB54406.


Love-Inn. (In Suncoast free paper, aadeira Beach, FL, vol. 6, issue 5, p. 3) Appl. au: Patrick Sterling. O Patrick Sterling; 20Aug76; BB54407.


family living for today and tomorrow. By Edward Lynn Gream. (In The aayfield (KY) messenger, Jan. 31, 1977, p. 4) 6 E. L. Gream (Edward Lynn) ; 31Jan77; BB54408.


International socialist review, aay 1977. Editor: Caroline Lund £ other editors. (in The allltant. New York, aay 6, 1977, p. 11 -22) Appl. au: aiiitant Publishing Association. aiiitant Publishing Association: 28Apr77; BB54409.


The Golden bird. By Ingrld V. Nolf , drawings by Pamela Sweet Distler. (In Cricket, June 1977, p. 35-41) on text; lugrid V. bolf; 10aay77: 8854410.


Skip a rope. By Dorothy Golub, drawing by Jean Gralley. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 4-5) O on tent; Dorothy Golub; 10aay77; BB54411.


ay papa was a preacher. By Sonja S. Alexander, lllus. by Beth Krusn 6 Joe Krush. (In Cricket, June 1977, p. 4t-50> on text; Sonja S. Alexander; 10aay77; BB54412.


A Tale of two cows; a Chinese folk tale. Betold by aargaret Uau, drawings by Pauline Baynes. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 84- «b) C on text; Bar gar et Bau; 10Bay77; BB54413.


To mama/tcom Leo. (In From a regional perspective, Feb.-nar. 1977, p. U) Appl. au; Francis B. Francois. O Francis B. Francois; 18«ar77; BB54414.


To mama/from Leo. (In From a regional perspective, A^r. 1977, y. 4) Appl. au: Francis B. Francois. Francis B. Francois; 8Apr77; BB5441S.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick aarvin Hannah, Sr. (In The Hilwaukee community journal, aay 4-11, 1977, p. 20) O F. aarvin Hannah, Sr.; 4aay77; Be5441b.


You gotta wanna. By Frederick aarvin Hannah, Sr. (In The ailwaukee community journal, Apr. 27-Hay 4, 1977. p. 4) e F. aarvin Hannah, Sr. ; 27Apr77; BB54417.


Litigants at large. By John Kennedy. (In Staten Island (NY) register, aay 2o. 1977, p. 11) John Kennedy; 24aay77: BB54418.


Barns aren't red anymore. (In The Voyeur, Dec. 1976, p. 10) Appl. au : Son A. Uoyt. d Don A. Hoyt; 23Dec76;



Winter Sunday: Central Parx. (In The Voyeur, Hay 1977, p. 9) Appl. au; Ellen Leddy. e Ellen Leddy; 2laay77; 8854420.


When Teddy Soosevelt got the jolt of his life. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In 1905 we were here, 22) (In The States-item, New Orleans. Hay 31. 1977, p. B-8) Appl. au; The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. The States-

Item; 31Bay77; BB54421.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.