Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1543

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BB53842 — BB53978
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB53841 (con.)

6, etc.) O Clinton H. Fuller. Jr.; 16Bar77: BB53841.


fleet your author with ackaowledgeneots to Edvard Lear. By Joan Aikeu. (In cricket. Mar. 1977, p. 66-67) Joan lilteo Enterprises, Ltd.; 10Feb77: BBS3842.


BPLS, sother. By John Berrynan. (In Hinneapolis tribune, Dec. 1, 19714, p. 10) Kate Berry»an; 1Dec7it; BB5J843.


59X oppose Ball building plan. By Victoria Graiiaa. (Tour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Bar. 25, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. Saint Paul Dispatch; 25Bar77; 8853844.


Letters to Natalie Barney, by Ezra Pound, edited with coB«entary by Bichard Sieburth. On writing and writers, translated by Ezra Pound. A Page without which, by Benry Swaliey. (In Paideuaa, fall 1976, p. 279, etc.) on On writing and writers fi guotations in A Page without which 6 Letters to Hatalie Barney; The Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust; 23Sep76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB53845.


Nostalgia notes. By Thurlow O. Cannon. (In At your leisure (Advance news, Ogdensburg, NI) Jan. 9, 1977, p. 5) O Thurlow 0. Cannon (In notice: Cannon); 9JaB77; 8853846.


"All aboard" for Mexico City with the Pliego brothers. Photos, by Erik Arnesen. (Helcoie to our world, instructor poster 6) Add. ti: Alelaodro and Bodriqo Pliego greet the balloon nan in Mexico city's Chapultepec Park. (In Instructor, Feb. 1977, p. 105-112) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc. , esployer for hire. O Instructor, solely owned by The Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 10Jan77: BB53847.


Emergency rooa work takes toll. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 8| (In The News Aierican, Baltiiore, feb. 7, 1977, p. 81, etc.) Jane B. Conroy whose pseud. is Kristen Kelly; 7Peb77; BB53848.


It's easier to cope when you help soneone. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 7) (In The News Aaerican. Baltiaote, Feb. 6, 1977, p. CI) C Jane B. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 6Feb77; BB53849.


Beroin addict needs help to take edge off "cold turkey". By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 6) (In The News Aaerican, Baltiaore, Feb. 4, 1977, p. 6A) C Jane B. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly; 4Feb77: BB53850.


Difficalt decisions must be aade. By Kristen Kelly, pseud, of Jane B. Conroy. (Eaergency rooa journal, pt. 5) (In The News Aaerican. Baltiaore, Feb. 3, 1977, p. B1, etc.) Jane 8. Conroy whose pseud, is Kristen Kelly: 3Feb77; BB53851.


Chess-word puzzle. By Pal Benko C Charles Schafer. (In Chess life and


Chicaoo Socialist labo. activity in Texas, 1900-1920. By Eailio zaaora, Jr. (In Aztlan: international journal of Chicano studies research, suaaer 1975, p. 221-236) EBilio Zaaora, Jr.; 23Mar76 (iA notice: 1975); 8853853.


Beld in darkness. By Jonathan Penner. (In Eedbook, Mar. 1977, p. 189-211) JiM; revisions, e Jonathan Penner; 24Feb77; BB53854.


Sightings of sea serpents along the northeast coast of North Agerica. By Gary S. flaogiacopra. (The Gre^t unknowns of the 19th century, pt. 1) (In of sea and shore, winter 1976-77. p. 201. etc.) e Gary S. Mangiacopra; 1Dec76; B853855.


In 1694 we were here, when the aayor beat the iapeachaent rap. By John Hilds. drawing by John Chase. (In The States- itea. New Orleans, Mar. 8, 1977, p. D-20) Appl. au: The Tiues- Picayune Publishing Corporation, eaployer for hire of John Uilds. The States-Item; 8Bar77; 8^53856.


God's love. (In uinchester (VA) evening star, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 15) Appl. au: Sherwood Uedrick. O Sherwood Hedrick; 25Feb77; BB53857.


God's angels. 8y Buth Cole. (People) (In Potpourri, Caapbell, CA. Feb. 22, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; 22Feb77; BB53858.


Mhale watching. By Nicholas Bosa. (Weekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Caapbell, CA, Feb. 22. 1977) Appl. au: Adz. Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. Adz, Inc.; 22Feb77; BB53859.

885386 0.

The Diagnostic systeo: occlusal analysis By Lawrence F. Andrews. (In The Dental clinics of North Aaerica. Oct. 1976, p. 671-690) Lawrence F. Andrews; 120c t76: BB53860.


Creditors balk at paying missing grain dealer's wife. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas Borniuq news. Mar. 6, 1977. p. 29A) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. C The Dallas Morning News; 6flar77; 8853861.


Flirting with mysticisa. By Sara Davidson. (In Ms.. Apr. 1977, p. 57-59) C Sara Davidson: 24Mar77: BB53862.


Officials fear rivalries in aob will result in 3 aore slayings. By J. J. Maloney & Barry Jones. Jr. (In The Kansas City (MO) star. Feb. 23. 1977. p. 1. etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, eaployer for hire. The Kansas City Star; 23Feb77; BB53863.

8853 864.

The Cracker factory. By Joyce Rebeta-Burditt. (In Uedbook, Apr. 1977, p. 237-259) Joyce Bebeta-Bucditt ; 22Mar77; 8853864.


Belp ahead ror handicapped, but new law also creates soae probleas. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere we stand) (In The New


Secretary Califano, please note: help foe disadvantaged, but not quotas. By Albert Shanker. (Where we staad) (In The New York times. Mar. 27, 1977, p. 9-E) O Albert Shanker; 27Mar77; 3853866.

8853 867.

Internationea socialist review, April 1977. (In The Bilitant. New York, Apr. 8, 1977, p. 11-22) C Militant Publishing Association; 31Har77; B853867.


Bescue. By Boberta Silman. (In Family circle, Apr. 5, 1977, p. 32, etc.) Koberta Silman; 8Mar77: BBS3868.


Historical tunings: an overview. By Martin B. Tittle. (Keyboard tuning, a brief history, pt. 1) (In The Piano technicians journal, Jan. 1977, p. 14-15) Martin B. Tittle: 1Jan77: B6S3869.


Teenage prayer. (In Pathways, North Floral Park, NY, Mar. 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Susan Andresen. O Susan Andresen; 7flar77; BB53870.


Sifting. (In The Voyeur, Feb. 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: J anne Voege. O Jeanne Voege; 7Har77; BB53871.


In 1892 we were here when the lights went out and the streetcars stalled. By John wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The Statcs-ilea, New Orleans, Mar. 29. 1977. p. B-8) Appl. au; The Times- Picayune Publishing Corporation, eflipioyer tor hire ot John Wilds. O The States- Itea; 29Mdr77; BB53872.


Flight fright. By Michael Norman Schlau (Hike Schlau) (In Montage '77, Hay 1977. p. 64-66) C Hike Schlau; lApr77; BB53873.


In 1684 we were here when the Lee statue almost came tumbling down. By John Wilds, drawinq by John Chase. (In The States- item. New Orleans, Mar. 1, 1977. p. 8-3) Appl. au: The Tines -Picayune Publishing Corporation, eaployer for hire of John Hilds. O The States-Item; 1Hat77; BB53874.


In 1900 we were here when the captain stole the Mardi Gras show. By John Wilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States- item. New Orleans, Feb. 22, 1977, p. A-9) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Wilds. O The States-Itea; 22Feb77; 8853875.


Was it a murder in Coweta County? Pt. 2. By Ed LaBorwit. (In Fayette (GA) and Southside sun, Sept. 23, 1976, p. 4) £d LaBorwit; 23Sep76: BB53876.


Was it a aurder in Coweta County? Pt. 3. By Ed LaBorwit. (In Fayette (GA) and Southside sun, Sept. 30, 1976. p. 5) O Ed LaBorwit; 30Sep76; BB53877.


Slewing induced distortion in audio amplifiers. Pt. 1. By Walter G. Jung. (In The Audio amateur, Feb. 1977, p. 4-9)

O Walter G. Jung; 21Feb77: BB53878.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.