Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1520

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AI-16568 — AI-16598
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AI-16567 (con.)

imprints; a cumulative author list representing library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. U90-it94. compiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the national Union catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division. American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appi. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained by the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, iiithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: nev compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. e The American Library Association: 7Mar77; AI-16567.


Mathematical models in biological discovery. Edited by Daniel L. Solomon £ Charles F. Baiter. Best Germany. 210 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 13) Appi. au: Stuart Kaufman. 6 Springer- Verlag; 2l|Mar77; AI-16568.


combinatorie et representation du groupe symetrigue; actes de la table roude du C.N.S.S. tenue a I'Universite Louis- Pasteur de Strasbourg, 26 au 30 avril 1976. Edite par Dominique foata. West Germany. 339 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 579) French 6 English. Appl. au: Curtis Greene £ Ladnor Geissinger. C Springer- Verlag; 2«Mar77; AI-16569.


Theoretical computer science; 3rd GI Conference, Uartistadt, Bar. 28-30, 1977. Edited by Hans Tzschach, Helmut Wal- dschmidt £ Hermann K.-G. Halter. Best Germany. 118 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 18) English, German 6 French. Appl. au: J. Hartmanis. a Springer-Verlag; 21Mar77; AI-16570.


Boundary value problems for linear evolution partial differential eguations; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Liege, Belgium Sept. 6-17. 1976. Edited by H. G. Garnir. Holland. 173 p. (NATO Advanced Study Institutes series, ser. C: mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 29) Appl. au: Richard Deals £ Jeffrey Sauch. 6 D. Reidel Publishing Company; 16feb77; AI-16571.


Afferent and intrinsic organization of laminated structures in the brain. Editor: 0. Creutzfeldt. iest Germany. 579 p. (Experimental brain research, supplementum 1) Records of the 7th International Neurobiology Meeting, held at the Hai Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Sept. 1975. Appl. au: D. H. Hubel £ S. Levay. 6 Springer-Verlag; 3Bar77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 16572.


Leg length discrepancy. The Injured knee. Edited by David S. Hungerford. Best Germany. 160 p. (Progress in orthopaedic surgery, vol. 1) Appi. au: Raymond E. Hogue £ James L. Hughes, e Springer-Verlag; 2ejan77: AI-16573.


syntactic pattern recognition, applications. Edited by King Sun Fu. Best Germany. 270 p- (Communioation and cybernetics. 11) Appl. au: John Edyard Albus £ Robert Helms Anderson. e Springer-Verlag; 25Feb77; AI-16571.


Hathematical economics and game theory; essays in honor of Oskar Morgenstern. Edited by Rudolf Henn £ Otto Hoeschlin. Best Germany. 709 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: S. B. Becker £ S. J. Brans. O Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AI-16575.


U. H- Hudson; a bibliography. By John K. Payne, foreword by Alfred A. Knopf. Great Britain. 218 p. B John R. Payne; 18Feb77; AI-16576.


Membranes and cellular functions. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson £ David Mason Robinson. England. 262 p. (Mammalian cell membranes, vol. 1) 8 Buttemorth (Publishers) Ltd. (in notice: Buttemorth and company (Publishers) Ltd.); 11Feb77; AI-16577.


Responses of plasma membranes. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson £ David Mason Robinson. England. 316 p. (Mammalian cell membranes, vol. 5) 9 Buttemorth (Publishers) Ltd. (in notice: Buttemorth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.) ; 28Feb77; AI-16578.


Fundamental problems in phonetics. By John cunnison Catford. Scotland. 278 p. e J. c. Catford; 11Feb77: AI-16579.


Stepping stones to further Jewish- Christian relations. Compiled by Helga croner, foreword by Edward A. Synan. England. 157 p. e Stimulus Books; 30Apr77; AI-16580.


Stories for the grandchildren. By Phillip C. Ferguson. Meiico. 1 v. Add. ti: Cuentos para los nietos. English 6 Spanish. C Phillip C. Ferguson; 210ct76; iI-16581.


Mi tierra. By Phillip C. Ferguson. Mexico. folder. (Stories for the grandchildren.) English £ Spanish, e Phillip C. Ferguson; 210ct76; AI-16582.


Sanza mezzo. By Frank Samperi. Italy. 1 v. e Frank Samperi; 28Apr77: AI-16583.


Prism and the pine twig: an interlude. By John Taggart. Italy. 31 p. Portions prev. pub. in Aniaa £ others. NM: compilation. 6 John Taggart; 28Apr77; AI-16581.


Batching how or why. By Larry Eigner. Italy. 37 p. Portions prev. pub. in Capilano review £ others. NM: compi- lation, e Larry Eigner; 28Apr77; AI-16585.


The Half of a circle. By David Jaffin. Italy. 61 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Antigonish review £ others. NB: compilation. 6 David Jaffin; 28Apr77; AI-16586.


Pristine orthodox dharma. Translated from the Chinese by Frederick Hong 6 George D. Fung. Taiwan. 88 p. NM: translation £ annotation. 6 Buddha's Universal Church; 8Jan77; AI-16587.

AI- 16588.

An American's guide to Britain. By Robin William Binks. England. 382 p. O Robin B. Sinks; 5May77; AI-16588.

AI- 16589.

Arid land irrigation in developing countries: environmental problems and effects. Editor: Edgar Barton Bort- hington. Great Britain. 163 p. Based on the International Symposium on Arid Lands Irrigation held 16-21 Feb. 1976, in Alexandria, Egypt. Appl. au: F. L. Botes. E. A. Pearson £ P. L. Schickedanz. Q International Council of Scientific Unions; 28Mar77; AI-16589.

AI- 16590.

Big night at Mrs. Maria's; a novel. By Barney Parris, a.k.a. Barney Parrish. pseud, of George Bolk. United Kingdom. 126 p. e Barney Parris a.k.a. Barney Parrish. pseud, of George Hoik; 3 Jan77 ; AI- 1659 0.


Bosom of the family. Pt. 2. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife. May 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Evelyn Barter; 1May77; AI-16591.

AI- 16592.

Action English; new Michigan method. Borkbook 1, level 2. By Harvey M. Taylor. Jane M. Van Bolt. Judith Barren fi Deborah J. Helbig. produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc.. project director £ editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 1 v. Appl. au: George E. Luther. e The University of Michigan; 1Mar77; AI-16592.

AI- 16593. ^ ^

Action English; new Michigan method. Borkbook 3. level 2. By Harvey H. Taylor, Jane M. Van Bolt. Judith Barren E Deborah J. Helbig, produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc.. project director fi editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 1 v. Appl. au: George E. Luther. e The University of Michigan; lHar77; AI-16593.


Action English; new Michigan method. Handbook 2, level 2. By Harvey M. Taylor, Susumu Nagara. Shunichi Kato, produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc., project director £ editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 388 p. Appl. au: George E. Luther. «5 The university of Michigan; lMar77; AI-16591.

AI-16 59 5.

contact lens correction. By Norman Bier £ Gerald Eugene lowther. England. 520 p. e Butterworth and Company, Publishers, Ltd.; 3Mar77; AI-16595.


Bittgenstein and scientific knowledge: a sociological perspective. By Derek I. Phillips. England. 218 p. 8 Derek L. Phillips; 19May77; AI-16596.

AI- 16597.

The Philosophy of Brentano. Edited by Linda L. McAlister. Great Britain. 262 p. SM: editor's introd. £ translation of oskar Kraus' Biographical sketch of Franz Brentano. S Linda L. McAlister; 21Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16597.

AI- 16598.

After all. By James L. Beil. Italy. 1 V. NM: compilation. © James L. Beil;

2eApr77; AI-16598.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.