Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1515

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AI—16399 — AI-16430
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Mathenatical fouDdations o£ cooputec scieace 1975; nth syaposius^ Harianske* Lazne, Sept. 1-5. 1975. Edited by Jiti Becvar. Meat Gernaoy. ^76 p. (Lecture notes Id computer scieoce, vol. 32) ^tth Syaposium on Hatheaatical Foundations of Computer Science, held in Hacianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. Appl. au: Hichael A. Harrison & Zvi Galil. O Springer- Verlag ; 6Auq75; AI-16399.


Variable structure systems with application to economics and biology: proceedings of the 2nd US-Italy Seminar on Variable Structure Systems, Bay 1974. Edited by A. Buberti £ B. B. aohler. Uest Germany. 321 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: A. V. Balakrishnan & Soger U. Brocitett. 6 Springer-Verlag : 31Jul75; AI-16400.

AI- 16401.

Fourier integral operators and partial differential equations: collogue international, Oniversite de Nice, 1974. Edited by Jacques Chazarain. Uest Germany. 372 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 4S9) Proceedings of a conference entitled OperateuLs Integrauz de Fourier: French S English. Appl. au: V. U. Guillemiu C A. Ueinstein. (3 Springer-Verlag; 28Jul75; Al-16401.


Guam telephone directory, January 1, 1977. Hong Kong. O Guam Telephone Authority; 1Jan77; AI- 16402.


Nemesis at Potsdam: the Acq lo- Americans and the expulsion of the Germans, background, execution, consequences. By Alfred naurice Oe Zayas, foreword by Bobert nurphy. England. 268 p. C Alfred ». De Zayas; 13Jan77: AI-16403.

AI- 16404.

Informus: handy guide to vital information and services for Hetropolitan Los Angeles. Prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 117 p. Appl. au: John V. Hoen. Engli Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) : 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 16404.


Uolf. Icilll the Hilderness called Sbunka. By Harika Lumi. Canada. 175 p. O Van Nostrand Beinhold, Ltd.: 26Nov76; AI-16405.

il- 16406.

Information systems for patient care. Edited by J. Van Egmond, P. P. Oe Vries Bobbe C A. H. Levy. The Netherlands. 479 p. Proceedings of the IFIP IC-4 Uorking Conference on Information Systems for Patient Care: Beview, Analysis and Evaluation. Amsterdam, 27-31 Oct. 1976. O IFIP a.a.d.o. International Federation for Information Processing; 150ec76; iI-16406.


The Cell surface in animal embryogenesis and development. Edited by George Poste & Garth L. Nicolson. The Netherlands. 766 p. (Cell surface reviews, vol. 1) Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 28Dec76; AI- 16407.


Climates of the Soviet Onion. By Paul E. Lydolph. The Netherlands. 443 p. (Rorld survey of climatology, vol. 7) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 1Feb77: AI-16408.


An Annotated checklist of Osleriana. By Earl F. Nation, Charles G. Boland & John P. HcGovern. England. 289 p. C The Kent State University Press; 2aar77; Al-16409.


Tome seven. By Uilliam Perry Gray 2nd. Greece. 143 p. O Hilliam Perry Gray 2nd; 150ct76; AI-16410.


Algebraic K-Theory: proceedings of the conference held at Northwestern Uni- versity. Evanston. January 12-16, 1976. Edited by flicbaei B. Stein. Uest Germany. 409 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics. vol. 551) Appl. au: floqar Alperin. Sprinqei^Verlag: 2«Nav76: AI-16411.


Approximation Theory: proceedings of an international colloquium held at Bonn, Germany, June 8-11, 1976. Edited by Bobert Schaback £ Karl Scherer. Nest Germany. 466 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 556) German & English. Appl. au: Carl De Boor C Joseph D. Uard. O Springer-Verlag; 29Nov76; AI-16412.


Fossil algae: recent results and developments. Edited by Erik Fluegei. Nest Germany. 375 p. Lectures presented at the First International Symposium on Fossil Algae held at the University of Erlangen. Nuernberg. Oct. 1975. Appl. au: E. S. Barghoorn £ St. Galubic. O Sprlnger-Werlag; 7reb77; AI-16413.

AI-164 14.

laCoraatics and medicine: an advanced course. Edited by P. L. ueichertz £ Gerhard Goos. Nest Germany. 712 p. (Hedizinische Informatik und Statistlk, Bd. 3) English £ German. Appl. au: G- S. Lodwick £ C. Vaiibona. O Springer-Verlag; 2SJan77; AI-164 14.

AI-164 15.

Differential geometrical methods in mathematical physics; proceedings of the symposium held at the University of Bonn. July 1-4, 1975. Edited by Konrad Bleulet fi Axel Beetz. Nest Germany. 576 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 570) Appl. au: J. Blatter £ a. E. Mayer. Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AI-16415.


Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Fusion Tectinology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 14-18, 1976. Great Britain. 925 p. Appl. au: J. S. Uatson, J. Powell £ 8. Finis. European Coal and Steel community, European Economic community fi European Atomic Energy Community a.a.d.o. ECSC, EEC 6 EAEC; 20Dec76; AI-16416.


The English communicatioDS Institute: new language series. Book 2: inter- mediate. By John Vincent aoen, prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 10 2 p. Japanese £ English. The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) ; 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16417.

AI-164 18.

The English Communications Institute: new language series. Book 3: advanced. By John Vincent Hoen , prepared by the English communications Institute. Japan. 143 p. The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) ; 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16418.


The English Communications Institute: Dew language series. Book 1: basic. By John Vincent noen, prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 171 p. Japanese £ English. Q The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI); l4Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16419.

AI- 16420.

fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopy: physicocbemical principles and practice- By Stephen Gregory Schulman. Great Britain. 288 p. £ S. G. Schuiman; 25feb77; AI-16420.

AI- 16421.

Parliament, policy and politics in the reign of Nilliam 3rd. By Henry Horwitz. United Kingdom. 385 p. C Manchester University Press; 6Jan77; AI- 16421.

AI- 16422.

The fiace. By Kaare Holt, translated from the Norwegian by Joan Tate. England. 255 p. Appl. au: Hichael Joseph. Ltd. £ Dell Publishing company. Inc., employers for hire. Prev. pub. in Norwegian under the title Kapploepet. O on translation; Michael Joseph, Ltd. £ Dell Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Sep76; AI- 16422.


Amerasians: past, present, and you. Cy Narren Allen Stewart £ Susan Jo Brady. Korea. 1 V. NM: quotes from advertising brochures. Narren Allen Stewart; 23Mat77; AI-16423.

AI- 16424.

AM multilith offset duplicators, 1250 series. Parts catalogue, AM1-40O2-0U. United Kingdom. 1 v. O Addressograph- Hultigraph Corporation; 15Dec76; AI-16424.


Jean UuLuffet. By Andreas Fcanzke. translation by Joachim Neugroschrl. Switzerland. 175 p. C on translation; Joachim Neuqroschel; 40ct76; Al-16425.

AI- 16426.

The Translation of art: essays on Chinese painting and poetry. Editor: James C. I. Natt. translators: Aileen Huang Uei £ uang Fang-yu. Hong Kong. 216 p. (Benditions. no. 6) Chinese £ English. NM: translation, additional text £ compilation. O The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 310ec76: AI- 16426.


The Developing individual in a changing world. Vol. 1-2. Edited by Klaus F. Biegcl £ John A. Meacham. Netherlands. (Studies in the social sciences, 24) Houton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 50ct76 ; AI- 16427.

AI- 16428.

Radiation and life. By Eric J. Hall. Great Britain. 201 p. 6 Pergamon Press. Ltd.; 22NOV76; AI-16428.

AI- 16429.

The Hittites, people of a thousand gods. By Johannes Lehmann, translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. United Kingdom. 317 p. Appl. au: Nilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd. £ The Viking Press. Translation of Die Hethiter, Volk der tausend Goetter. NM: translation. a Nilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd. £ The Viking Press; 28i;ar77; AI- 16429.

AI- 16430.

Space and energy; proceedings of the 26th International Astronautical Congress, Lisbon, 21-27 Sept. 1975. Edited by L. G. Napolitano. Great Britain. 487 p. Appl. au: K. Thom. G. K. O'Neill £ B. Beichel. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Feb77;



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