Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1506

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AFO-88124 — AFO-88150
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-88123 (con.)

Sharuood Smith. England. Sharuood Smith; 28Apr77;


Perspectives in social work, by Noel Timms 8 Rita Timms, illustrated by Chris Blo». England. 233 p. 6 Noel £ Bita Timms; 12May77: 4F0-8B124.


Location in space: a theoretical approach to economic geography. By Peter E. Lloyd £ Peter Dicken. 2nd ed . Great Britain. a7i4 p. C Peter E. Lloyd S Peter Dicken: 10Har77; 4FO-88125.


The National anion catalog; pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 500-50i(. compiled S edited uith the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Union catalog Subcommittee of the Resources committee of the Resources and Technical services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: Hansen Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright rot claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, yithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NH: final abridgment £ editorial revisions of each entry, seguence £ location coding 6 original prefatory materials. Mansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. ; 2aApr77; AFO-88126.


podstayy biologii. By Benedykt Halicz. Poland. 319 p. C Panstuoue yydaMnictyo Naukoue; 21Dec7b; AFO-88127.


Inliuqua espanol. 2. libro. Snitzcrlaud. 227 p. Appl. au: Peda- gogical Department of the International Iclinqua Schools. O The International Inlinqua Schools of Languages; 20May77; AFO-88128.


Inlinqua francais. 2. livre. 2nd ed. Suitzerland. 212 p. Appl. au: Peda- gogical Department of the International Inlinqua Schools. The International Inlingua schools of Languages; 5Bay77; AFO-88129.


Inlingua pratiquez votre francais. 1. livre. Suitzerland. 96 p. Appl. au: Pedagogical Department of the Inter- national Inlinqua schools. 6 The International Inlinqua Schools of Languages; 1511ay77; AFO-88130.


Lungenveraenderungen «aehrend Dauer- beatmung. By Henner Reineke. Best Germany. 56 p. (Anaesthesiology and resuscitation, 105. Anaesthesiologie und yiederbelebunq, 105) O Springer- Verlag ; 1Apr77; AFO-88131.


Oiiady. By Henryk sandner. Poland. 450 p. (ZHierzeta suiata) NH: text £ 20% of photos. e Panstwowe Uydaunictuo Naukoue; 21Dec76; AFO-88132.


Old-time mountain fiddle. By Stanley Anton Gottschalk, illus. by H. B. Gottschalk. Australia. 106 p. C Stanley Anton Gottschalk; 28Apr77; AFO-88133. Pontoppidan, uebersetzung von Heidi Euddigkeit fi Udo Birckholz, Nachuort v Udo Birckholz, mit It Federzeichnungen von Rolf Buenzner. East Germany. 381 p. NB: German translation £ illus. 6 Verlag Philipp Reclam Jun. ; 22Nov76; AFO-8813t.

AFO-88 135.

Champions: le grand fichier des sports. No 121-11'*. Snitzerland. 2H cards. Appl. au; Antoiue Bordier £ Jean Bosonnet. S Editions Rencontre, S. A. ; 25Feb77; AFO-86135.

AFO-88 136.

Champions: le grand fichier des sports. No 145-168. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au ; Antoine Bordier fi Jean Bosonnet. e Editions Rencontre, S. A. ; 25Feb77; AFO-88 136.


Champions: le grand fichier des sports. NO 97-120 £ triptygue. Switzerland. 2» cards 6 folder. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier E Jean Bosonnet. 6 Editions Rencontre, S. A. ; 25Feb77; APO-88137.

AFO-88 138.

Safari cards. Nr. 505-528. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Norwegian only. Appl. au: Paul schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. 6 on Norwegian translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A. ; 14Jan77; AFO-68138.


Fichier museum. No 141-160 £ triptygue. Switzerland. 20 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Alain Le Coultre. S Edito-Service, S.A.; 8Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88 139.

AFO-88 140.

Fichier museum. No 161-180. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Le coultre. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 8Apr77; AFO-88 140.


Fichier museum. No 181-200. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Le Coultre. Edito-Service, S.A.; 8Apr77; AFO-88141.

AFO-88 14 2.

Fund-raising: a comprehensive handbook. By Hilary Sharon Braverman Blume. England. 188 p. e Hilary Blume; 26Bay77; AFO-88 142.

AFO-88 143.

Ecrits. By Erik Satie. reunis, etablis 6 annotes par Ornella Volta. France. 367 p. NH: new material, e Pierre Joseph- Lafosse £ Ornella Volta; 26Apr77; iFO-8814 3.


Convex analysis and measurable multifunctions. Authors: Charles castaing £ Hichei Valadier. Best Germany. 278 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 580) e Springer-Verlag: 4Apr77: AFO-88144.

AFO-88 145.

Einfuehrung in die Allgemeine Biologie. By Peter Von Sengbusch. 2. neubearb. £ erweiterte Aufi. Best Germany. 526 p. O Springer-Verlag; 14Apr77; AFO-88145.


Timed writings; SI metric. By Allan Sigfrid Jonsson. Canada. 108 p. Prev. pub. 1970. NB: additions fi updating. e BcGrau-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 7aar77; AFO-88146.


Boxen und Gesundheit; zur Frage von Langzeitschaeden £ ihrer Verhuetung. Herausgeber: Georg Anders, Bichard Felten fi August Kirsch. Best Germany. 215 p. (Bundesinstitut fuer Sportwissenschaf t Schriftenreihe fledizin, Bd. 3) Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.B.B.H.; 12flay77; AFO-88147.


Einfuehrung in die Begabungspsychologie: dif f erentielle Psychologie intellektueller Faehigkeiten. Von Friedrich Arntzen. Best Germany. 168 p. 6 Verlag fuer Psychologie, Doktor C. J. Hogrefe; 25NOV76; AFO-88148.


Zur Hahl eines einheitlichen Sicher- heitskonzepts fuer den Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau. Von Eolf Pottharst. Best Germany. 142 p. (Bitteilungen aus dem Institut fuer Bassivbau der lechnischen Hochschule Darmstadt, Heft 22) 6 Verlag von wilhelB Ernst und Soha, K. G. ; 16Bay77; AFO-88149.


Die Einsamkeit der Stiere. By Herbert Grotius. Best Germany. 382 p. Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 25Har77; AFO- 88150.


L'Entremetteuse. By Guy Des Cars, illus originales de Beynald Schfflid. Swit- zerland. 373 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S. A. ; 15Apr77; AFO-88151.


La Vie secrete \e Dorothee Gindt. By Guy Des Cars, iijus originales de Galed, pseud, of Andrf 'icolas Suter. Switzerland. 2.:9 p. e on illus. j Edito-Service, S.A. ; 12Nov76; iFO-88152.


La Haudite. By Guy Des Cars, illus originales de Anne-Barie Simond. Switzerland. 276 p. O on illus.; Edito-Service, 3. A. ; 11Feb77; AFO-88153.


Vous verrez le ciel ouvert. By fiilbert cesbron, illus originales de Jacques Rozier. Switzerland. 487 p. O on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 22Apr77; AFO-88154.


Les Saints vont en enfer. By Gilbert cesbron, illus originales de Philippe Poncet De La Grave. Switzerland. 415 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 18Har77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88155.


A. B.C. centre Poirot; traduit de l*anglais par Louis Postif. Le Major parlait trop; traduit de I'anglais par Claire Durivaux. By Agatha Christie, illus originales de Sylvie Dausset. Switzerland. 303 p. Translation of The A. B.C. murders. £ The Caribbean mystery. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 11Bar77; AFO-88156.


L' Envouteuse. By Guy Des Cars, illus originales de Kurt Van Strub. Swit- zerland. 413 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A. ; 11Bar77; AFO-88157.

AFO- 88158.

Briefe schreibt man heute so. By Bolfgang Banekeller. 6. Aufl. Best Germany. 192 p. e Hans Holzmann Verlag, G.a.B.H. £ CO., K.G. ; 6Jun77; AFO-88158.


The Glimpses of the moon; a novel. By Edmund Crispin, pseud, of Bruce Hon- tgomery. England. 287 p. O Bruce Bontgomery (in notice: Edmund Crispin) ;

12Bay77; AFO-88159.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.