Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1433

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AF45033 — AF45069
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45032 (con.)

1875. Vol. 2. Italy. 575 p. ippl. au: EvaDdco igazzl. Ludovico Geymonat e Idolfo Quilico. Arnoldo Hondadorx Editoce; 30Mar76 {in notice: 1975); AF45032.


Le Theatre de Jean Anouilh. By Jacques Viec. France. 136 p. va: neu text & cospilatloD of tents. CDU et SEDES, Beunis (Centre de Documentation Uni- yersitaire et Societe d' Edition d'En- seiqnemcnt Superieur, Beunis); J0Aug76; API450 33.


La COBedie huaaine. T. 1: etudes de Boeurs, scenes de la vie de province. By Balzac, ed. publiee sous la direction de Pierre-Georqes Castex. France. 1581 p. O Editions Gallijgard; 30Sep76; AF45034.


L’lntemporel. By Andre flalraux. France. il2t p. (La aetaaorpbose des dieux. 2) NH: new text £ coapilation of illus. O Editions Galliiard; 30Jun76; AF45035.


Codification grapholoqique; manuel d'utilisation. T. 1-2. By Carlos Pedreqal 6 Sabine Gueritault. France. 2 V. Pedreqal; 30Jun76; AF45036.


5788-AflF. France. Printout. Appl. au; IBfl France. O International Business Bachines corporation accepted alternative: IBB corporation; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45037.


5.788-OBII. France. Printout. C IBH Oeutschland. G.a.B.H.; 70ct7<l; AF45038.


5799-AaC. France. Printout. Appl. au; IBH Prance. C IBM Corporation; l7Jdn77

(in notice: 1976); AF45039.


5799-AUF VI LO. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. IBn Corporation; 3NOV76; AF45040.


57e6-DBA. France. Printout. C IBH oeutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 22Apr7a (in notice: 1973) ; AF4504l.


5799-AQE VILO. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. NB: adaptation. O IBB Corporation; 3Nov76; AFil50it2.


5788-DGJ. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 'tOct76: AFIt50<l3.


Psycholinquistics series. No. 1: developaeutal and patholoqical. By Eve V. Clark, David Bloor, Joanna Byan t, John C. Barshall, edited by John Horton e John C. Barshall. Great Britain. 160 p. O Paul Elek (Scientific Books) Ltd.; 10Feb77; AF45044.


Lectures on solid state physics. By Georq Busch £ Uorst Schade, translated by Ferdinand Cap, translation editor: D. Ter Haar. Great Britain. 538 p. Appl. au: Perqaaon Press, Ltd,, employer for hire of editor £ translator. Translation of Vorlesunqen ueber festkoerperphysik. MB: translation. Perqamon Press. Ltd.; 8NOV76; AF45045.


Protides of the bioloqical fluids; proceedinqs of the twenty-fourth colloquium, Bruqqe, 1976. Edited by H. Peeters. Great Britarn. 836 p. Papers from the 24th Colloquium on Protides of the Bioloqical Fluids. Appl. au: J. £. Olsson £ D. J. H. Brock; Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. O Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 20D€c76; AF45046.


Terminal business system/VS to CICS/VS conversion quide. 2nd ed. Denmark. 70 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBB United Kiuqdom, Ltd. International Business Machines; 20Jan77; AF45047.


Operations planninq and control-entry (OPC -entry) installation and proqram loqic; proqram product 5740-XI7. Denmark. 63 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 5Jan77; AF45048.


IBH system/370 interactive financial system 1, proqram reference manaual; proqram no. 5746-r52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 249 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 13Jan77; AF45049.


Cranford and cousin Phillis. By Elizabeth Gaskell, edited by Peter Keatinq. United Kinqdom. 362 p. UH: introd. £ notes. C Peter Keatinq; 280ct76; AF45050.


A Dream from the niqht. By Barbara Cartland. Great Britain. 157 p. O Barbara Cartland; 21Jun7b; At45051.


The Sleepinq beauty. By Charles Pecrault, translated £ illustrated by David Ualker. Great Britain. 1 >. O on translation £ illus. ; David Ualker; 250ct76; AF45052.


Baiqret and the qhost. By Georqes Sifflenon, translated from the French by Eileen Ellenboqen. England. 156 p. Oriqinal ti. : Baiqret et le fautome. on translation; Georqes Simenon; 29Jul76; AF45053.


The Hatchet man; a Yellowthread Street mystery. By iilllam L. Marshall. Enqland. 186 p. William L. Marshall; 26Feb76; AF45054.


Falstaff. Transcribed, arr. £ edited by Bobert Nye. Enqland. 450 p. C Bobert Nye; 2Sep76; AF45055.


Geophysik 3. T. 5. Bandherausgeber: Karl Bawec. Best Germany. 407 p. (Encyclopedia of physics, vol. 49/5. Uandbuch der Physik. Bd. 49/5) Add. ti: Geophysics 3. English £ French; subject index iii German £ Enqlish. Appl. au: Sprinqer- Verlaq , employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlag; 3Dec76; AF45056.


Leukocytaeres und retikuiaeres System 1. Ursq. von Herbert Beqemann. 5. voellig neu bearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 503 p. (Uandbuch der inneren Bedizin, 2. Bd. Blut und Blutkrankheiten, T. 3) Appl. au; Springer Verlag, employer for hire. o Springe:^ Verlag ; 10Dec76: AF45057.


Experimental production of diseases. Pt. 5: liver. Edited by Oskar Eichler. west Germany. 377 p. (Handbook of experimental pharmacology, vol. 16/5. Handbuch der experimentellen Pharma- kologie, Bd . 16/5) Appl- au: Springcr- Verlaq, employer for hire. O Springer- Verlag; 90ec76; AF45058.


Boentqendiagnostik der Leber und der Gailenwege. fiediqiert von Friedrich Ueuck. Uest Germany. 751 p. (Enc- yclopedia of medical radiology, vol. 12, pt. 1. Uandbuch der medizinischen Eadiologic, Bd. 12, T. 1) Add. ti: Boentgen diagnosis of the liver and biliary system. German; pref. £ subject index in German £ English. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer tor hire. C Springer-Verlag; 26Nov76; AF450 59.


Neuroradiologie auf neuropatholoqischer Grundlage. By Budolph Kautzky, K. J. Zuelch, S. Wende £ A. Taeuzer. 2., neubearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 335 p. O Springer- Verlaq; 30NOV76; AF45060.


Berveillcs des chateaux royaux. Textes de Claude Freqnac, pref. de Pierre Gaxotte, redaction, illus £ correction des editions Hachette Bealites, realise par Pierre Faucheux. France. 255 p. NH: new text £ compilation of illus. O Librairie Uachette; 30Sep76; AF45061.


On quilt, responsibility and punishment. By Alf Boss. United Kingdom. 183 p. NH: chap. 1, 2 £ 5, pref. £ index. Alf Boss; 21teb75; AF450b2.

AF4 5 06 3.

Philosophy of logic. Edited by Stt-plian Koc'rucr. United Kingdom. 273 p. C ba^il Dlackwell; 29Jun76; AF450o3.


The Great universe of Kota: stress, change and mental disorder lu an Indian village. By G. M. Carstairs £ B. L. Kapur. United Kinqdom. 176 p. o a. H. Carstairs £ 8. L. Kapur; 1Har76; AF4 5064.


Beilsteius Uandbuch der orqanischen Chemie; vierte Auflaqe, drittes £ viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 18. T. 7. Ursg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Bolt, unter Bitwirkung von Oskar Ueissbach £ others. Uest Germany, p. 5959-7014. Appl. au: Beilstein-Institut der organischen Chemie, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 19Bov76; AF45065.


Auditory system: clinical and special topics. Edited by Uolf Dieter Keidel £ Hilliam 0. Neff. Uest Germany. 811 p. (Handbook of sensory physiology, vol. 1/31 Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. e Springer-Verlag: 25Sov76; AF45066.


The Diploma disease: education, qualification and development. By Bonald Dore. United Kingdom. 214 p. O George Allen and Unwin. Ltd.; 17Sep76; AF45067.


aiver ecology. Edited by B. A. Uhitton. United Kingdom. 725 p. (Studies in ecoioqy. vol. 2J Blackwell Scientific Publications; 4Nov75; AF45068.


The lowns of Boman Britain. By John


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