Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1429

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AF44886 — AF44921
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Waermeuebertragung im Geqenstrooi Gleichstron UDd KreuzstroD. By Helouth Hausen. 2., neubeacb. iufl. Uest Secianv- 129 p. frev. pub. 1950 as Technische Physik io Einzeldarstellung, Bd. 8. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 23»o»76; AF44886.


Coupes seciees du corps humain: aoatooile, cadioloqie, scannec. By Joseph Ga&barelli, Gerard Guerinel, Laurent Chevrot G Hathieu Hattei, avec la collaboration technique de fi. Galliano & S. Mazarian, dessins de J. P. Jacomy, photos de D. Imy & a. Soler. Best Germany. 286 p. 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29No»76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF44887.


Le Paris secret des annees 30. Par Brassai. France. 192 p. NH: text & cODpilation of photos. 6 Editions Galliaard (in notice: Gallimard) ; 30Sep76: AF44888.


Le Paris secret des annees 30. Par Brassai. Prance. 192 p. O on photos. ; Brassai: 30Sep76: AF449889.


London 800-1216: the shaping of a city. By Cbristoher N. L. Brooke, assisted by Gillian Keir, laps by Gillian Keir G Cartographic Enterprises. United Kingdaa. 1*211 p. O Christopher M. L. Brooke £ Gillian Keir; 22llay75; AF1t890.


'sensory functions of the Skin in Prliates; Kith special reference to nan. Edited by tngve Zotteraan. Great Britain. 607 p. (Uenner-Gren center international symposiuD series, vol. 27) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sensory Functions of the Skin in Primates held at the Uenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Jan. 13-15. 1976. Appl. au: J. Boivie £ A. Brown; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 250ct76: AF44891.


Consensus on menopause research: a summary of international opinion. Edited by P. A. Van Keep, 8. B. Greenblatt t H. Albeaux-Fernet. England. 183 p- Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Menopause held at La Grande Hotte, France, in June 1976. Appl. au: «. a. Otian. MTP Press, Ltd.; 30Dec76; AF44892.


Ohta*s Creative oriental brush painting: fundamental techniques. Photos, by Jim Goss, calligraphy by the author. Japan. 1148 p. Prev. pub. 13Feb72. NH: abridgment e additions. Hisashi Ohta; 103ep75; AF44893.


El Uso y la aplicacion de los simbolos de la soldadura al arco y a flama. Por Suben F. Isunza E., los dibujos fueron eiecutados por el autor. Heiico. 168 p Buben F. Isunza; 210ct76; AF44894.


Biological effects of microwaves. By Stanislaw Baranski 6 Przenyslaw czerski. Poland. 23<t p. e Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 290ct76; AF44895.


To Daiaonio, by G. Theotocas. By Anne Farmakides. 2nd ed. Canada. 212 p. Anne Farmakides; 28Jun7it; AF44896.

AF44897. Eekhof -stork, English language ed. edited by Adrian Bailey. The Netherlands. 210 p. on English-language ed.; Paddington Press, Ltd.; 20Sep76; AF44897.


Traed i Europa. Sweden. 1 v. Add. ti: European trees; Trad i Europa. Prev. pub. in France, 1967. NK: Swedish translation. O Bender's Digest AB; li|0ct76; AF44898.


Hitlers Tischgespraeche im Puehrer- hauptguartier. By Henry Picker. Best Germany. 548 p. MH: introd. additions. Seewald Verlag, Doktor Heinrich Seewald; 27Apr76; AF44899.


Maya of Guatemala; life and dress. By Carmen L. Pettersen. Guatemala. 274 p. Add. ti: Haya de Guatemala: vida y traje. English £ Spanish. O Carmen L. Pettersen; 9NOV76; AF44900.


The aevels, history of drama in English. Vol. 5: 1660-1750. By John Loftis, Bichard Southern, Harion Jones G A. H. Scouten. Great Britain. 331 p. Appl. states all new except some text £ all illus. which have been prev. pub. C John Loftis, Richard Southern, Hariou Jones £ A. a. Scouten; lUec76; AF44901.


Operations planning and control-entry (OPC-entryJ scheduler's guide; program product 5740-XT7. Denmark. 189 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. O International Business Machines Corporation; 5Jan77; AF44902.


5986-803 document inscriber adapter BPu 7B0414 maintenance information. Denmark.

1 V. Appl. au: IBM Germany. O Inter- national Business Hachiues Corporation; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF44903.


3604 keyboard display special expanded keyboard BPQs parts catalog supplement. Denmark. 6 p. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM Germany. C International Business Machines Corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF44904.


3750 switching system. Vol. 3: switching subsystem, book 2: 3 753 line units models 1 and 2 theory of operation. 4th ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 4Jan77 (in notice; 1973, 1974, 1976) ; AF44905.


IBM 3600 finance communication system national requirement display £PQs instructions and macros reference supplement; program no. 5799 tUK OOS/VS, 5799 UKK OS/VS. Denmark. 12 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF44906.


Operations planning and control-entry (OPC -entry) general information manual; program product 5740-XT7. Denmark. 4 1 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. International Business Machines Corporation; 10Jan76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF44907.


IBM 3750 switching system 3223 entry/exit reporter installation and testing instructions. 3rd ed. Denmark. Folder (8 p.) Appl. au; IBM France. International Business Machines Corporation; 29Dec76 (in notice: 1975); AF44908.


Easyfix OS/VS-Proqram»- und JCL Editor; Lizenzprogramm Systemiiandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DGF. France. 21 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprograam SAP) e IBM Deut- schland, S.M.B.H.; 29llov76: AF44909.


Telef on-Gebuehren-Abr echnung; Lizen- zprogramm Programm-/6edienernandbuch Programm-Kr. 5788-DKH. France. 69 p. (Spezxelles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 20Dec76; AF44910.


Telef on -Gebuehr en- Abr echnung; Lizen- zprogramm Systeohandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKH. France. 81 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAf) O IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.; 20Dec76; AF44911.


Blockdia Volimaschinelle Flussdiagramm- Erstellung fuer DCS-Assembler-Progr amme; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbucb Programm-Nr. 5788-DJF. France. 6 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 12Apr76. AF44912.


Blockdia Volimaschinelle Flussdiagr amm- Erstellung fuer DOS-Assembler-Programme; Lizenzprogramm Bedienerhandbuch Piogramm- »r. 57a8-DJF. Prance. 11 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deut- schland, G. M. B. H. ; 12Apr76; AF449I3.


Easyfix OS/VS-Proglamm- und JLL Editor; Lizenzprogramm Prgraam-/Bed lenerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 57aa-UGf. France. 37 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 29Nov76; AF44914.


Programmes speciaux programme de tri 3790 guide systeme code dispositif 8302; programme special no 5788-ABD. France. 7 p. O IBM France; 180ct76; AF44915.

AF449 16.

Change management/tracking (CM/T) DP accounting for MS/VS (DPA) service level reporter (SLB) general information manual; program products 5740-DCl £ others. Denmark. 64 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. International Business Machines corporation; 13Jan77; AF44916.


IBM system/370 interactive financial system 1 operations guide; program no. 5746-F52 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 186 p. (Program product) Appl- au: IBM Germany. International Business Machines Corporation; 13Jan77; AF449 17.

AF449 18.

No time on our side. By fioger B. Chapman, drawings by Peter A. G. Milne. Great Britain. 168 p. NB: text. Boger B. Chapman; 26Jun75; AF44918.


No time on our side. By Boger £. Chapman, drawings by Peter A. G. Milne. Great Britain. 168 p. O on maps £ drawings; Nautical Publishing Company, Ltd.; 26Jun75; AF44919.


Electronic inventions, 1745-1976. By Geoffrey Uilliam Arnold Dummer. Great Britain. 158 p. C G. M. A. Dummer;

24Jan77; AF44920.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.