Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1425

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AF44730 - AF44764
JAN.-JUN. 1977


BaneDts of being: UDpub. autobiog- raphical ucitings. By Virginia HooXf, edited with an introd, 6 notes by Jeanne Schulkind. England. 207 p. KM: editing, footnotes £ p. 6-27, 61-63. 139-1<t1, 157-8 £ 181. e Jeanne Schulkind: JJun76: iF«ll730.


A Pair of blue eyes. By Thoaas Hardy, introd. by fionald Blythe, co-ordinating editors: Caroline Hobhouse £ Edward Leeson. England. t27 p. O on introd., notes £ all editorial matter: HacBillan London, Ltd.; 300ct75; AFitU731.


Progress in the cheaistry of organic natural products. »ol. 33. Edited by B. Herz, H. Grisebach £ G. H. Kirby. Austria. 581 p. Add. t i: Fortschritte der Cbeaie organiscber Naturstoffe. Appl. au: Uilhelu Schwabl, eiployer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 29Sep76; AF4I1732.


ny son Charles. By Elizabetii Hayhew, pseud, of Joan Bear. Great Britain. 239 p. O Elizabeth Hayhew (pseud, of the author Joan Bear); 11No»73; AF'414733.


Stereotactic Treatment of Epilepsy. Edited by Francis John Gillinghaa, Edward Robert Hitchcock £ Pavel Nadvornik. Austria. 261 p. (Acta neurocbirurgica, Supplementus 23) Syaposiuo held in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 1975. O Springer-Verlag: 280ct76: AF<4i473i4.

AF14 14735.

Current pcobleos in eleoentary particle and mathematical physics. Edited by Paul Oskar Urban. Austria. 638 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Supplementum 15) Proceedings of the 15th Internationale Unlversitaetswochen fuer Kernphysik 1976 der Karl-Ftanzens-Universitaet Graz at Schladming (Steieriark, Austria) Feb. 16-27, 1976. Appl. au: L. Streit £ K. Jezuita. S pringer-Verlag ; 260ct76; AF14 14735.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia Soolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: Nigel Nicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Trautaanu. England. 627 p. MM: editing, editorial note £ introd. Nigel Hicolsoo; 23Sep76: AF414736.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia Hoolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: Nigel Nicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Trautmann. England. 627 p. NM: all the letters eicept. no. 1337. Quentin Bell £ Angelica Garnett; 23Sep76; AF44737.


Fundamental and clinical studies of bleomycin. Edited by Stephen K. Carter, ToKu-ji Ichikawa, Georges Hathe £ Haaao Japan. 320 p. (GANN monograph on cancer research, --, 19. Issued by Japanese Cancer Ass ation) & University of Tokyo Press; 10ct76; AF44738.


Fundamentals in cancer prevention: proceedings of the 6th international symposiua of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Sesearch Fund, Tokyo, 1975. Edited by Peter N. Hagee, Shozo Takayama, Takahasbi Sugifflura £ Taijiro Hatsushima. Japan. 433 p. e University of Tokyo Press; 8Nov76; AF44739.


Neuro-otological examination: with special reference to eguilibrium function tests. By Takuya Uemura, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Jiro Hozawa £ Stephen H. Highstein. Japan. 178 p. 6 Igaku Shoin, Ltd.; 15NOV76 (in notice: 1977); AF44740.


Nothing but the truth. By Poul Oerum, translated from the Danish by Kenneth Barclay. Great Britain. 253 p. Translation of Kun sandheden. e on translation; Victor Gollancz, Ltd.; 17Jun76; AF44741.


The Glory boys. By Gerald Seyaour. Great Britain. 287 p. 6 Gerald Seymour; 2Sep76; AF44742.


Play — its role in development and evolution. Edited by Jeroae S. Bruner, Alison Jolly £ Kathy Sylva. Great Britain. 716 p. BB: compilation, introd. £ notes. Jeroae Bruner, Kathy Sylva £ Alison Jolly; 2711ay76; AF44743.


Hore Borgan: a pictorial history of the Borgan sports cat. By Gregory Houston Bowden. England. 223 p. Gregory Houston Bowden; 29llov76; AF44744.


A Shadow of death. By John Creasey as Gordon Ashe. England. 142 p. John creasey: 25Nov68; AF44745.


A Plaque of deaons. By John creasey as Gordon Ashe. England. 184 p. Estate of John creasey: I6reb76: AF44746.


An Evolution of siuqlehander s. By D. H. Clarke. Great Britain. 20b p. C D. H. Clarke; 2bFeb76 (in notice: 1975); AF44747.


The Last days of imperial Russia. By Hiriaa Kochan. England. 224 p. NB : text £ coapilatiou of illus. C lliriaa Kochan: 19Aug76; AF44748.


yeats. By frank Tuohy. England. 232 p. NH: text £ coapilation of illus. frank Tuohy: 280ct76; AF44749.


The Liaison. By Baria Batray £ Answald Krueger, translated by Bicbard Sharp. Great Britain. 346 p. 1st pub. as Die Liaison, 1973. O on translation; Cassell and Company, Ltd.; 230ct75; AF44751.


Dolores. By Jacqueline Susann, traduit de I'americain par Florent B. Peire. France. 188 p. French. on tran- slation; Belfond a. a. d. o. Editions Pierre Belfond; 15Jun76: Af44752.


Come home, Charlie, and face thea. By E. f. Delderfield. Great Britain. 255 p. O E. f. Delderfield; 21Apr69; AF44753. (3td impression, 1975, deposited)


Bission for Hammarsk jold: the Congo crisis. By Bajeshwar Oayal. England. 335 p. e Sajeshwar Dayal; 8Jttl76; AF44754.


All Paris in 130 photos in colour. By Giovanna Bagi, photos, by Jacqueline Guillot, translated from the Italian by Hichael Hollingworth . Italy. 126 p. e on text £ photos.; Casa Editrice Bonechi; 31Dec75; AF44755.


Uandfehlbildungen: Atlas ihrer operativen Behandlung. By Walter Blauth £ Frank B. Schneider-Sickert . West Germany. 394 p. Springer-Verlag: 15Nov76: Af44756.


Gleichgewicht der Absorption von Gasen in Fluessigkeiten. Bearb. von A. Kruis, hrsg. von Helmuth Hansen. 6. Aufl. West Germany. 479 p. (Landolt-Boer nstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik, Bd. 4: Technik, T. 4: Uaermetechnik, Bandteil c) Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. 6 Springer-Verlag; 3NOV76; AF44757.


Bakroskopische uod technische Eigen- schaften der Baterie. B. 2: Bischungs und Loesungswaeraen. By G. Beggerow, Herausgeber: Kl . Schaefer. West Germany. 695 p. (Landolt-Boernstein nuaerical data and functional relationships in science and technology, new series, group 4, vol. 2. Landolt-Boernstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaf ten und Technik, neue Serie, Gruppe 4, B. 2) Add. ti: Macroscopic and technical properties of matter. Vol. 2: heats of mixing and solution. English £ German. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. e Springer-Verlag; 2Nov76; AF44758.


Advent, christaastide and weeks 1-9 of the year. Iceland £ United Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine Office, 1) O on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics: The Hierarchies of Australia, Euqland and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal Conferences o£ Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 25Jan74; AF44759.


Lent and Eastertide. Ireland 6 United Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine office, 2) O on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics; The Hie- rarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal conferences of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 18Mar74; AF44760.


Weeks of the year, 6-34. Ireland £ U.iited Kingdom. 1 v. (The Divine office, 3) e on compilation £ English translation of intercessions, concluding prayers, antiphons, short responses, responsories, second readings £ rubrics; The Hie- rarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland a.a.d.o. the Episcopal Conferences of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland; 28Aug74; Ar44761.


IBB system/370 las/VS data base analyzer; general information manual, program product 5740-XXS (OS/VS) Denmark. 13 p. (Program product) Appl- au; IBM Geraany. 6 International Business Bachines Corporation: 3Dec76; AF44762.


Managing the data processing orga- nization. Denmark. 133 p. (Installation management) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 22Nov76; AF44763.


IBM 3600 finance communication system; 3601 host support, 5986-B03 document, inscriber adapter EPQs, programming

installation guide suppl. , program numbers


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.