Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/10

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A813732 — A813778
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A813731 (con.)

Nelson. 274 p. C The University of Chicago; 26Juo7K ; 4813731.


Fifth international directory of anthropoloqists. Pref. by Sol lax. 496 p. Appl. au: University of Chicago, employer for hire of compilation. O The Bniversity of Chicago; 70ct75; 4813732.


Trilobites; a photographic atlas. By fiiccardo Levi-setti. 213 p. 4ppl. au: Euan S. K. Clarkson. S The University of Chicago: 10Jul75; 4813733.


The Golden ode. By Labid Ibn Babiah, translated uith an introd. & commeDtary by Willian E. Polk, photos, by Hilliam J. Uares. 177 p. English £ Arabic. NH: translation, introd., commentary 6 photos. e The Bniversity of Chicago; 20Hay74; 4813734.


The Prints of Bockwell Kent; a catalogue raisonne. By Dan Burne Jones, author of foreword: Carl Ziqrosser. 219 p. NM: text, editing & soae prev. unpub. illus. <d The University of Chicago; 280ct75; 4813735.


Shadows on the sand; a history of the land and the people in the vicinity of Heicose, Florida. By Zonira Hunter Tolles. 317 p. C Zonira Hunter Tolles; 20Dec76: A813736.


The social impact of revenue sharing; planning, participation, and the purchase of service. Bv Paul Terrell, with the assistance of Stan Beisner. 114 p. Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Nov76; 48 13737.


Neighborhood change; lessons in the dynamics of urban decay. By Charles L. Leven, James I. Little, Hugh 0. Hourse S a. B. Bead. 205 p. S Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4813738.


4griculture in the People's Republic of China; structural changes and technical transformation. By Leslie Tse-chiu Kuo. 288 p. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4813739.


Housing finance agencies; a comparison between states and HDD. By Nathan S. Betnun. 282 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on prev. pub. or copyright material or any material from U.S. Govt, official sources. e Praeger Publishers. Inc.; 15Dec76; 4813740.


Planning for economic development; the construction and use of a multisectoral model for Tunisia. By Oli Hawrylyshyn, with Andre aartens, Bobert S. pindyck S ilouheb-Eddine Hamza. 201 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on prev. pub. or copyrighted material or any material from U.S. Govt, official sources. Q Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4813741.

A813742. mies in the 1970s; a comparative approach. By Hossein 4skari & John ThOQias Cummings. 581 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on prev. pub. or copyrighted material or any material from U.S. Govt, official sources. ^ Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; A813742.

48 13743.

Special education: a sociological study of California programs. By Carl ailofsky. 177 p. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15NOV76; 4813743.


Manufactured exports from developing countries. By Thomas K. florrison. 108 p. ij Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Nov75; 4813744.


Urban crowding and its consequences. By 41an Booth. 139 p. Q Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4813745.


Factional and coalition politics in China; the cultural Bevolution 6 its aftermath. By ri-Chun Chang. 144 p. e Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Dec76; 48 13746.


Current research in comparative communism; an analysis fi bibliographic guide to the Soviet system. By Lawrence L. Mhetten. 159 p. 6 Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15D3C75; A813747.

A8 13748.

The tlaltinational businessman and foreign policy; entrepreneurial politics in East-Hest trade S investment. By Jeffrey a. Brookstone. 183 p. 6 Praeger Publishers, Inc.; 15Nov76; 4813748.


Woman's body, woman's right; a social history of birth control in America. By Linda Gordon. 479 p. 4ppl. states all new except the portion that appeared in The Politics of birth control, 1920-1940: the impact of professionals. € Linda Gordon; 260ct76; 4813749.


An Introduction to the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. By Richard Morrin Achesoc. 3rd ed. 501 p. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 10ct76; A813750.


Topics in phosphorus chemistry. Vol. 8. Editors: Edward J. Griffith & Hartin Grayson. 664 p. 6 John alley and Sons, Inc.; 28Dec76; 4813751.


Principles of laser plasmas. Edited by George Bekefi. 695 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion done as part of a U.S. Govt, employee's official duties. e John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 24NOV76; 48 13752.

48 13753.

On synthesizing Marxism and Chris- tianity. By Dale Vree. 206 p. 6 John alley and Sons, Inc.; 9Dec76; 4813753.


The Creative vision; a longitudinal study of problem finding iu art. By Jacob H., Getzels £ Bihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 293 p. Portions prev. pub. iu Science lournal, vol. 3, no. 9, 1967 £ others. 6 Jacob U. Getzels £ Hihaly Csikszen- tmihalyi; 140ct76; 4813754.


Handbook of chemical lasers. Edited by Rolf ». F. Gross £ Jerry F. Bott. 744 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any portion done as part of a U.S. Govt. employee's official duties. S John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 20Oct76; 4813755.


Liquid state chemical physics. By Bobert Oliver Katts 6 Ian James BcGee. v76;


Modern algebra with applications. By William J. Gilbert. 348 p. e John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 16Hov76; 4813757.


Perceiving time; a psychological investigation with men and women. By Thomas J. Cottle. 267 p. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 260ct76; 4813758.


Hypertension in pregnancy. Edited by Marshall D. Lindheimer, 4drian I. Katz £ Frederick P. Zuspan. 443 p. Proceedings of an Invitational Symposium on Hyper- tension in Pregnancy held at the University of Chicago, Center for Continuing Education, Sept. 25-27, 1975. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any portion done as part of a U.S. Govt, employee's official duties. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 291lov70; 4813759.


Kodak color print viewing filter kit. NH: additions £ revisions. @ Eastman Kodak company; 20Dec76; A813760.


Disposal of photographic-processing solutions for the small user. 7 p. e Eastman Kodak Company; 22Dec76; 4813761.


Using the Kodak VCNA data converter,

model S-2, and the Kodak VCNA tape reader. 15 p. © Eastman Kodak Company: 21Dec76; 4813762.


Kodak a4B film 2498 {Estar-4H base) and Kodak 848 film 5498; photographic and physical properties. 7 p. NM: additions £ revisions. © Eastman Kodak Company; 16Dec76; 4813763.


Haintaining the Kodak roll paper printer models 5B-K and 11B-2. 31 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 17Dec76; 4813764.


Kodak filter selector, Q-44. Kit. HM: additions £, revisions. © Eastman Kodak Company; 22Dec76; 4813765.


Foundation and qualifying skills. Created for Eastman Kodak Company by Learning Designs, Inc. 6 v. £ sheets (3 p.) (HP and 4V marketing and sales training program) d Eastman Kodak Company; 13Sep76; S8 13766.


Instructions for processing Kodak Ektacolor 37 EC paper in Kodak rapid color processors; data release, 2-122B. Folder (5 p.) 6 Eastman Kodak Company; 3Nov76; 4813767.


Some guestions and answers about 30 filn notes, H-40-6. 11 p. NH: additi as E revisions. 6 Eastman Kodak Company; 1Nov76; 4813768.


Kodak special plates, type 127-04 and type 127-05; data release. 3 p. 4dd. ti: Kodak special plates, type 127-05. 3 Eastman Kodak Company; 3Dec76; 4813769.


Sampling and flow-measurement methods. 27 p. e Eastman Kodak Company; 1Dec76;



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