Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/88

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A Lodger To The Rescue

GRASS was beginning to grow on the tiny lawn, all sorts of thrifty young seedlings were popping up in the flower beds and Jean's pansies were actually beginning to blossom. The girls had trained the rampant Virginia creeper away from the windows and had coaxed it to climb the porch pillars. From the outside, no one would have suspected that Dandelion Cottage was not occupied by a regular grown-up family. Book agents and peddlers offered their wares at the front door, and appeared very much crestfallen when Bettie, or one of the others, explained that the neatly-kept little cottage was just a play-house. Handbills and sample packages of yeast cakes were left on the doorstep, and once, a brand new postman actually dropped