Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/278

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Dandelion Cottage

on the roof last spring. I heard them doing something up there the night we moved; but Bob only grinned when I asked him about it"

"Good for the boys!" cried Marjory, gleefully. "I wouldn't be unladylike enough to set traps for the Milligans myself, but I can't help feeling glad that somebody else did."

"It was Bob's own tin," giggled delighted Mabel, almost tumbling into Mrs. Crane's potato pan in her joy. "I guess he had a right to take it home if he wanted to."

"Anyway," said Jean, from her perch on the porch railing, "I'm glad they're gone."

"But it doesn't do us any good," sighed Bettie. "And the summer's just flying."

"Yes it does," insisted Jean. "We can stand having the cottage empty—we can pretend, you know, that it's an enchanted castle that can be opened only by a certain magic key that——"

"Somebody's baby has swallowed," shrieked Mabel, the matter-of-fact.