Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/168

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Dandelion Cottage

of the new girl's blouse caught in such a fashion on the corner of the sideboard that the garment, which fastened in front, came unbuttoned from top to bottom. From its bulging front, dropped Bettie's bead chain, various articles of doll's clothing, and the two missing handkerchiefs.

"They're mine," cried Laura, making a dive for the things.

"They're not any such thing," cried indignant Jean. "I made that doll's dress myself and I know the lace on those handkerchiefs."

"They're my mother's," protested Laura. "I took 'em out of her drawer."

"They're not," contradicted Mabel, prying Laura's fingers apart and forcing her to drop one of the crumpled handkerchiefs. "Look at that monogram—'M B' for Mabel Bennett."

"It's no such thing," lied Laura, stoutly. "It stands for Bertha Milligan and that's my mother's name."