Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/139

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Neighborhood Changes

unrolling the parcel, "if you haven't gone and made me a grand slipper-bag—I'll think of you, now, every time I put on my slippers."

"No, no," protested Jean. "It's a travelling case with places in it for 'most everything but slippers."

"We all sewed on it," explained Mabel. "Those little bits of stitches that you can't see at all are Bettie's. Jean did all this feather-stitching and Marjory hemmed all the binding. Miss Blossom basted it together so it wouldn't be crooked."

"What did you do, Mabel?" asked Grandma Pike, smiling over her spectacles.

"I took out the basting threads and embroidered these letters on the pockets."

"What does this 'P' stand for?"

"Pins," said Mabel. "You see it was sort of an accident. I started to embroider the word soap on this little pocket, but when I got the S O A done, there wasn't any room left for the P, so I just put it on the next