Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno.djvu/257

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"Oh, but it did though ! " Bruno put in eagerly. " It were proud of its new tail ! Oo never saw a Crocodile so proud ! Why, it could go round and walk on the top of its tail, and along its back, all the way to its head ! "

"Not quite all the way," said Sylvie. " It couldn't, you know."

"Ah, but it did, once!" Bruno cried triumphantly. "Oo weren't looking but I watched it. And it walked on tipplety-toe, so as it wouldn't wake itself, 'cause it thought it were asleep. And it got both its paws on its tail. And it walked and it walked all the way along its back. And it walked and it walked on its forehead. And it walked a tiny little way down its nose ! There now !"

This was a good deal worse than the last puzzle. Please, dear Child, help again !