Page:Carroll - Rhyme and Reason.djvu/66

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"To keep me waiting here, instead
Of telling me at once
That this was not the house!" he said,
"There, that'll do—be off to bed!
Don't gape like that, you dunce!"

"It's very fine to throw the blame
On me in such a fashion!
Why didn't you enquire my name
The very minute that you came?"
I answered in a passion.

"Of course it worries you a bit
To come so far on foot—
But how was I to blame for it?"
"Well, well!" said he. "I must admit
That isn't badly put.

"And certainly you've given me
The best of wine and victual—
Excuse my violence," said he,
"But accidents like this, you see,
They put one out a little.