Page:Carroll - Euclid and His Modern Rivals.djvu/219

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Scene II.

§ 1. Syllabus of the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. 1878.

'Nos numerus sumus.'

Nie. The last book to be examined is Mr. Wilson's new Manual, founded on the Syllabus of the Geometrical Association.

Min. We had better begin by examining the Syllabus itself. I own that I could have wished to do this in the presence of some member of the Committee, who might have supplied a few details for what is at present little more than a skeleton, but that I fear is out of the question.

Nie. Nay, you shall not have far to seek. I am a member of the Committee.

Min. (astonished) You! A German professor! No such member is included in the final list of the Committee, which a friend showed me the other day.