Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/255

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Jan. 1770.]
Off Kawhia Harbour, North Island, N.Z.

towards Noon. Continued a S.E. Course until 8 o'Clock p.m. at which time we had run 7 Leagues since Noon, and were between 3 and 4 Leagues from the Land which appear'd to be low and Sandy such as I have before Discribed, and we then steer'd S.E. by E. in a Parrallel direction with the Coast, our Depth of Water from 48 to 34 fathoms; a black sandy bottom; at daylight found ourselves between 2 and 3 Leagues from the land which was of a Moderate height and Cloathed with Wood and Verdure. At 7 o'Clock steer'd S. by E. and afterwards S. by W., the land laying in that direction; at 9 was abreast of a Point of Land which rises sloping from the Sea to a Considerable height; it lies in the Lat. of 37° 43′ S.; I named it Woodyhead. S.W. ½ W. 11 Miles from this Head is a very small Island which we named Gannet Island, on account of the Great Number of these Birds we saw upon it. At Noon a high Craggy point bore E.N.E., dist. 14 Leagues; this point I have named Albetross Point; it lies in the Latitude of 38° 4′ S., and Long. 184° 42′ W., and from Woodyhead S. 17 W. 7 Leagues. On the N. side of it the shore forms a Bay wherein there appears to be anchorage and Shelter for Shipping against Southerly Winds;[1] our Course and distance saild since Yesterday at Noon is S. 37 E., dist. 69 Miles. Cape Maria Van Diemen bore N. 30 W., distant 82 Leagues.

Thursday, 11th.—At 4 past Noon the wind Shifted at Once from N.N.E. to S.S.W. with which we stood to the Westward until 4 p.m., then Tack'd and stood on Shore until 7, when we again stood to the Westward having but little wind. At this Time Albetross Point bore N.E., distant near 2 Leagues, and the Southermost land in sight bore S.S.W. ½ W. being a very high Mountain and made very much like the Peak of Teneriff; in this Situation had 30 fathoms Water; had little wind all night; at 4 a.m. Tacked and stood in Shore, but it soon after fell Calm and being in 42 fathoms Water; the People caught about 10 or 12 Bream. At 11 a light breeze sprung up from the W. ward and we made Sail to the Southward. At Noon was by Observation in the Latitude of 38° 4′ S.; Albetross Point bore due E., distant 5 or 6 Leagues.

Friday, 12th.—Gentle breezes from between the N.W. and N.N.E.; Fore and Middle part Clear Weather; the Latter part dark and Cloudy; steering along shore S. by W. and S.S.W. at the distance of 4 Leagues off. At 7 p.m. saw the top of the Peaked Mountain to the Southward above the Clouds bearing from us S.; at the same time the Southermost land we had in Sight bore S. by W. Took several Azimuths both in the Evening and the Morning which gave the Variation 14° 15′ Easterly. At Noon had the winds very Variable with dark cloudy weather attended with

  1. Kawhia Harbour. There is a settlement here.