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Cook's Journal.—First Voyage.
[Dec. 1769.

heavy swell first from the W., then from the S.W. At 8 a.m. loosed the 2nd Reef out of the Topsails; at noon clear weather, no land in sight. The North Cape bore S. 25° E., distant 24 Leagues. Latitude observed 33° 17′ S.

Friday, 22nd.—A moderate Gale at S. by W. and S.S.W. and Cloudy weather. At 8 a.m. got up Top Gallant Yards and set the sails. At Noon Latitude observ'd 33° 2′ S. Course and distant since Yesterday at Noon is N. 69½ W., 37 Miles. The North Cape bore S. 39° E., distant 38 Leagues.

Saturday, 23rd.—Gentle breezes between the S. by W. and S.W., and Clear settled weather, with a swell from the S.W. Course and distance sailed since Yesterday at Noon is S. 60° E, 30 Miles. Latitude observed 33° 17′ S. North Cape S. 36′ E., distant 27 Leagues.

Sunday, 24th.—Light Airs next to a Calm all this 24 Hours. At 7 p.m. saw the land from the Mast head bearing S. ½ E.; at 11 a.m. saw it again bearing S.S.E,, distant 8 Leagues. At Noon Latitude observed 33° 48′ S.

Monday, 25th.—A Gentle breeze at S.E., the weather a little hazey. P.M., stood to the S.W. At 4 the land above mentioned bore S.E. by S., distant 4 Leagues. It proves to be a small Island, which we take to be the 3 Kings discover'd by Tasman; there are several Smaller Islands or Rocks lying off the S.W. end and one at the N.E. end. It lies in the Latitude of 34° 10′ S., and Longitude 187° 45′ W. and W. 14° N., 14 or 15 Leagues from the North Cape. At Midnight Tack'd and stood to the N.E. until 6 a.m., then Tack'd and stood to the Southward. At Noon the Island of the 3 Kings bore E. 8° N., distant 5 or 6 Leagues. Latitude observed 34° 12′ S., Longitude in 188° 5′ W.; variation per Azimuth taken this morning 11° 25′ E.

Tuesday, 26th.—Moderate breezes, Easterly and hazey weather; standing to the Southward close upon a wind. At Noon was in the Latitude of 35° 10′ S. and Longitude 188° 20′ W. The Island of the 3 Kings N. 26° W,, distant 22 Leagues. In this situation had no land in sight, and yet by observation we are in the Latitude of the Bay of Islands, and by my reckoning but 30 Leagues to the Westward of the North Cape, from whence it appears that the Northern part of this land must be very narrow, otherwise we must have seen some part of the West side of it.

Wednesday, 27th.—Winds at E. P.M., a fresh Gale, with which we stood to the Southward until 12 at Night, then Tack'd and Stood to the Northward. At 4 a.m. the wind began to freshen, and increased in such a manner that at 9 we were obliged to bring the Ship too under her Mainsail, it blowing at this time excessive hard with heavy Squalls attended with rain, and at the same time thick hazey weather. Course made good since Yesterday at Noon S.S.W.