Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/214

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Cook's Journal.—First Voyage.
[Oct. 1769.

Kidnapper the Island Trends S.S.W., and in this direction we run along shore, keeping about a League off, having a steady breeze and Clear weather. At Noon the above Cape bore from us N. 9° E., distant 2 Leagues, and the Southermost land in sight S. 25° W. Lat. in P. Observation 39° 50′ S.

Monday, 16th.—First and latter part, fresh breezes, Northerly; in the night, Variable and sometimes calm. At 2 p.m. passed by a Small but a Pretty high white Island lying close to the Shore. On this Island we saw a good many Houses, Boats, and Some People. We concluded that they must be fishers, because the Island was quite barren; we likewise saw several people upon the Shore in a small Bay on the Main within the Island. At 7 the Southermost land in sight bore S.W. by S., and Cape Kidnapper N. ¾ E, distant 8 leagues, being then about 2 Leagues from the Shore, and had 55 fathoms. At 11 brought too until daylight, then made Sail along shore to the Southward. At 7 passed a pretty high point of Land, which lies S.S.W., 12 Leagues from Cape Kidnapper. From this point the Land Trends ¾ of a point more to the Westward. At 10 saw more land appear to the Southward, at S.W. by S. At Noon the Southermost land in sight bore S. 39° W., distant 8 or 10 Leagues, and a high Bluff head with Yellowish Cliffs bore W., distant 2 miles. Latitude observed 40° 34′ S.; depth of water 32° fathoms.

Tuesday, 17th.—P.M. winds at W., a fresh breeze; in the night, Variable light Airs and Calm; a.m. a Gentle breeze between the N.W. and N.E. Seeing no likelyhood of meeting with a Harbour, and the face of the Country Visibly altering for the worse, I thought that the standing farther to the S. would not be attended with any Valuable discovery, but would be loosing of Time, which might be better employ'd and with a greater Probability of success in examining the Coast to the Northward. With this View, at 1 p.m. Tack'd and stood to the Northward, having the Wind at W., a fresh breeze.[1] At this time we could see the land extending S.W. by S., at least 10 or 12 Leagues. The Bluff head or high point of land we were abreast off at Noon I have called Cape Turnagain because here we returned. It lies in the Latitude of 40° 34′ S., Longitude 182° 55′ W., and 18 Leagues S.S.W. and S.S.W. ½ W. from Cape Kidnapper. The land between them is of a very unequal height; in some places it is high, with White Clifis next the Sea—in others low, with sandy beaches. The face of the Country is not nearly so well Cloathed with wood as it is about Hawkes Bay, but for the most part looks like our high Downs in England, and to all appearance well inhabited, for we saw several Villages as we run along

  1. If Cook had known the exact shape of New Zealand, he could scarcely have taken a better resolve, in view of saving time, than to turn northward again when he did.