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the Minnetarees clear from the Rocky Mountains, dried prairie dogs, mountain sheep and elk and deer horns, a painted buffalo robe picturing a battle of Mandans and Minnetarees against Sioux and Arikaras, a beautiful shield made and decorated by Chief Black Cat especially for the great white father, Peter's bear head, a yellow bear hide and other furs, Indian shirts and leggins and moccasins, a Mandan bow and battle-ax, and even an ear of the red Mandan corn. And three cages containing a live ground squirrel, a prairie hen, and four magpies.

Not until ten months later did these wonders arrive at Washington.

"All ready, sir," responded Corporal Warfington, to the captain.

"Give way."

Out pushed the barge. Captain Lewis drew his sword.

"Present! Ready! Fire!" he shouted. And every rifle, of canoes and pirogues, cracked in a volley.

"For the United States," murmured Patrick Gass. "Arrah—but good luck to 'em."

Then into the white pirogue sprang Captain Lewis.

"Give way," he cried, standing beside Captain Clark; and out were shoved the eight boats together. Captain Lewis nodded at Gunner Willard.

"Boom!" spoke the swivel cannon, in farewell to the shore.

Sha-ha-ka and other Indians had come over in skin