Page:Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu/27

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Dorothy Cake

½ c. fat 2 tsp. baking powder
1 ½ c. sugar Favoring
3 eggs Nuts, raisins, or cocoanut may be added
1 c. milk 2 ½ c. flour

Mix as butter cake. Bake in layers in moderately hot oven. Use 2 tbsp. less milk and bake as loaf. A very fine-grained cake.

Silver Cake

(Made With Whites)

2 c. sugar 3 c. flour
½ c. fat 1 tsp. cream tartar with
4 egg whites ½ tsp. soda, or
1 c. cold water 2 tsp. baking powder

Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten whites of eggs. Add cold water. Add sifted dry ingredients and beat briskly 5 minutes.

Mosaic Cake

1 c. sugar 1 tbsp, melted unsweetened chocolate
½ c. fat ¼ tsp. cinnamon
1 ¾ c. flour ¼ tsp. nutmeg
2 eggs ¼ tsp. allspice
¾ c. milk ½ tsp. salt
1 ½ tsp. baking powder 1 tbsp. molasses

Mix first six ingredients according to cake method number one. Separate into three parts. To one add spices, molasses and melted chocolate. To the second add pink coloring and ½ tsp. rose flavoring. To the third add ½ tsp. vanilla.

Into a round cake pan put an outer ring of the