Page:Bunny Brown on Grandpa's Farm.djvu/149

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Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue on Grandpa's Farm

"All right" Sue did not much mind. She was not very fond of washing in cold spring water, anyhow.

Once more the children went on. But though they followed many paths through the woods they did not get on the one that led out and to the field and hill.

"Oh, dear!" said Sue, in a sad little voice.

"What's the matter?" asked Bunny, stopping and turning around, for he had walked on ahead.

"I'm so tired. Bunny!"

"Well, we'll rest a while."

They sat down on a log, Bunny looking through the trees, here and there, thinking he might see some path that led out of the woods. But he saw none.

"Are you rested now, Sue?" he asked, after a while.

"A little," she answered. "I can walk some more."

So they went on again. It was getting late afternoon now, for the children had not started to pick berries until after dinner. The sun was going down, and of course it was darker in