Page:Bunny Brown on Grandpa's Farm.djvu/121

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Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue on Grandpa's Farm

Anyhow, I'll just say that Bunny and Sue thought they had never tasted anything so good as those strawberries. And then the short-cake at supper that night! There I go again!

Well, anyhow, it was the nicest cake you can imagine.

"Aren't you glad we came here, Sue?" asked Bunny, when he had been given a second, and very small, piece of the strawberry short-cake.

"Oh, aren't I just, though!" sighed Sue.

The sun was shining brightly when Bunny Brown and his sister Sue awakened the next morning, and went down to breakfast.

"What can we do to-day. Bunny?" asked Sue. She always waited to see what Bunny was going to do before she began her play.

"Oh, I think we'll go over by the brook," he said.


"No, Sue. Not fishing. Mother won't let me have a regular fish hook. She's afraid I'll get it stuck in my hands. And you can't catch any fish on a bent-pin hook. So we won't go fishing."