Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/75

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fession he devoted most of his time to painting, and exhibited first in 1840. He painted chiefly marine subjects in water-colour, and became successively Associate, Exhibitor, Member and Treasurer of the Royal Water-Colour Society. He drew for the 'Illustrated London News 'and the 'Graphic,' and died at Hammersmith in 1898.

ANDRIESSEN, Anthonie, who was born at Amsterdam in 17-16, painted, in conjunction with his brother Jurriaan, under whom he studied, landscapes and figure-pieces.

He died at Amsterdam in 1813.

ANDRIESSEN, Christiaan, who was born at Amsterdam in 1775, was the son and scholar of Jurriaan, and became a good painter of history, genre subjects, landscapes, views of towns, and occasionally portraits. Among his works may be mentioned a Panorama of Amsterdam.

ANDRIESSEN, Hendeick, who was surnamed 'Mancken Heijn' (The Limper), was born at Antwerp, probably in the year 1607. He was a painter of still-life ; composed with great skill, and finished his pictures artistically. He died in Set-land in 1655.

ANDRIESSEN, Jcbeiaan, bom at Amsterdam in 1742, was a scholar of A. Elliger and J. M. Quinkhardt. He was an able artist in decorative painting ; the decorations of the new theatre at Amsterdam were executed by him and Numan. Several distinguished modern Dutch painters are from his school. He died at Amsterdam in 1819.

ANDRIOLI, GiROLAMO, a pupil of Brusasorci, was a painter of Verona. His name, with the date 1606, was inscribed on an altar-piece of 'St. Dome- nick and other Saints ' formerly in the church of Santa Caterina di Siena at Verona.

ANDRIOT, FRANqois, a French engraver, who was born in Paris about 1655, practised both in France and in Italy, especially in Rome. He fol- lowed the style of F. de Poilly, and among his works are :

Two Annunciatioas, after Albano ; a Magdalene, afUr Guido; Madonna and Child, after Guido ; The fioly Family, with a rose, after Raphael ; The Crowning with Thorns, after Domenichino ; and the same, after Ann, Carracci ; The Good Samaritan, after Fou^sin; and other subjects of sacred history, after Guille- hault, and other masters.

ANDROUET-DUCERCEAD, Jacques, was an architect and engraver of whom but scant}' records have survived. His parents' name was Androuet, but they acquired the afiSx ' du Cerceau' from a hoop which they hung on their house as a dis- tinguishing mark, and the double name was adopted by their son. Jacques was bom about 1510, pro- bably at Paris, but it was at Orleans, the home of his family, that he spent the greater part of his life ; and most of his works bear the date of that city. He is said to have studied under Etienne Delaulne ; but the strong resemblance of his stj'le to that of Leonhard Thiry, another artist of Fon- tainebleau, has led to the belief that he formed his manner from the artists of that school. He visited Italy with George d'Armagnac, ambassador of Francis I. to the Venetian Court, and on his return in 1546-47 he was patronized by the royalty and nobility of France. It is supposed that he retired to Annency, or Geneva, towards the close of his life, and died there — after 1584. As an engraver his subjects were various — mythological, architect- ural, perspective, trophies, arabesques, friezes. Caryatides, vases, furniture, &c. ; we mention :

The Marriage of the Virgin ; after Parmigiano (Fran- ciscus Paniieitsia Inventor).

The Birth of Christ ; unsigned. The Gods of Heathen Mythology ; after Eosso ; 20 plates. The Loves of the Gods; after Ferine del Vaga and Rosso ; 20 plates. The Labours of Hercules ; <'fter Rosso ; 6 plates. The Life of Psyche ; after Raphael ; 32 plates. The Dog of Montargis fighting his Master's Murderer (faiet d Montargis), Plans of Antwerp, Jerusalem, Rome, kc.

Landscapes, 24 plates. ' Le Premier Volume des plus Excellents Bastiments de France.' Paris, m.d.lxxvi. ' Le Second Volume des plus Excellents Bastiments da France.' Paris, m.d.lxxix. Both volumes are dedi- cated to Catherine de Medicis, for whom they were executed.

ANEDA, Jdam de, was born at Burgos, where he painted in 1565, in conjunction with Juan de Cea, several pictures, which are still to be seen in the cathedral.

ANESI, Paolo, landscape painter and etcher, was born at Rome about the year 1700. He painted landscapes with considerable success at Florence and at Rome. The frescoes in the Villa Albani, near Rome, are done by him, in conjunc- tion with Antonio Bicchierai and Niccoli Lapic- cola. They bear the date 1761, with the signature Paolo Anesi fece. He was, Lanzi tells us, one of the masters of Francesco Zuccarelli. He painted ancient ruins in the manner of Pannini, and hia works have been much confused with those of that artist. Foiir small landscapes, by Anesi, are in the Hohenzollern-Hechingen Gallery at Lowenberg.

ANGARANO, Conte Ottavio. According to Zanetti, this artist was of a patrician family of Padua, and flourished at Venice in the second half of the 17th century. It is not mentioned by whom he was instructed in the art, but he was a reput- able painter of history, and acquired considerable celebrity by a picture he painted for the church of San Daniele, at Venice, representing the 'Nativity,' which is highly commended by his biographer, and of which there is an etching, as some say, by him- self ; but Bartsch ascribes it to Giuseppe Diaraan- tini. Angarano painted in the manner of the followers of Caravaggio.

ANGE, Franqois l'. See L'Anqe.

ANGEL, J. X. See Ximekez Angel.

ANGEL, Pedro (or Angelo), the first of Spain's good engravers, flourished at Toledo at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century. The frontispiece to the ' History of Our Lady of Guadaloupe,' containing the portrait of that ungainly idol, published in 1597, is one of his earliest works. The elegant armorial design in the title, and the fine portrait of Cardinal Tavera in ' Salazar's Chronicle,' published 1603 ; and the still finer and rarer portrait of Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros in Eugenio de Noble's ' Life,' published 1604, are by Angelo. He likewise engraved a title-page for Luis de Tena's ' Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews,' 1611-17 ; a print of ' Our Lady of the Conception,' and other devotional subjects.

ANGEL, Philips, who was born at Middelburg, in the early part of the 17th century, painted at Haarlem (where he entered the Guild in 1639), at Leyden, and afterwards in Ispahan, and in Batavia, where he probably died — after 1665. His only known work — a picture of still-life, signed P.

Angel, 1650 — is in the Berlin Museum. If this