Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/59

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uncouth and sluggish German types has led admirers of the more gracious southern models to reject his achievements as unbeautiful in con- ception, and unslcilful in execution. From this sluggishness of his types arises also the frei|uent denial, which is equally ill-grounded, of Altdorfer's dramatic power. In the woodcuts the German and burgher feeling is naturally stronger than in the paintings and drawings, and a want of sym- pathy with that fueling no doubt accounts for (he comparative indifference to his fine sequence of forty small cuts devoted to 'The Fall and Redemption of Man.'

Altdorfer died on the 12th or 14th of February in 1538. His wife had predeceased him in 1532, and both their bodies were laid in the church of the Augustines, the painter having been bursar of the Augustine priory during the last four years of his life. Part of his tombstone was preserved when the Augustines' church was secularized and dis- mantled in 18-1 X He, who had painted hundreds of their happy faces more engagingly than any other painter, left no children ; but his was not the childless man's hard heart, and it is worth noting that he bequeathed to the poor a silver tankard which had been his wedding gift to his bride. Altogether about thirty pictures by Altdorfer are extant. Among them may be named :

Triptych — Crucifixioa and Annun- ciation. 1517.

Birth of the Virgin. Diptych — St. Francis and St. Dominic (siffned a»d dated 1507). Landscape with Figures (signed and dated 1507). fiest on the Flight into Egypt (signed and dated 1510), The Nativity. Landscape with Figures, ' Dt r Bett^ll sitzt auf der Schleppe der Hoffart' (signed and dated 1531). Nativity. St. Hubert. The Battle of Arbela (dated 1529). Susannah at the Bath (signed and dated 1526). Coronation of the Virgin. Pietii. St. George anrl the Dragon (signed and dated 1510). Landscape with figures. A man and two women rescuing the body of St. Qtiirinus from the water. (Three pictures,) Crucifixion (dated 1500). Bathsheba. St. Quirinns. (Tuo pictures.) Nativity. Virgin and Child, St. Joseph and St. John. The entire catalogue of his engraved designs, including Passavant's additions to Bartsch, is given below.

His monogram occurs in the accompanying forms : Augsburg. Gallery. Berlin. Museum. Brem3n. Glasgow. Munich. Pinakothek. Nuremberg. St. Mau- rice. „ German Mus. Katisbon. Siena. Vienna.


Religious Suhjeets. 1. Judith with the head of Holofemes. 2. Samson with the gates of Gaza. 3. Delilah cutting off Samson's hair. 4. Solomon's idolatry. 5. The Uepose of Joseph and Mary. 6. Virgin, seated, holding the Infant Saviour. 7. Virgin, seated on a throne, holding the Infant Saiour, with Angel. S. Virgin in profile, standing ; with the Infant Saviour. .Anna iutroduced. 9. Virgin and Ctiild, seateii. The Infant stretches his anus towards two children, one of whom offers a vessel (signed and dated 1507). 10. The Virgin standing, off ering an apple to the Infant (signed and dated 1509). 11. The Virgin sitting, the Infant on her knees, giving the blessing. 12. The Virgm holding the Infant, stauding on a crescent. 13. The Virgin with the Infant seated on clouds, a Saint to the right. 14. The Infant Saviour ; the right hand blessing, the left holds a world. 15. Our Lord diiring the merchants from the temple 16. Our Lord crowned with thorns, meeting Mary. 17. The Little Crucifiiiou. 18. The Great Crucifi.'don. 19. St. Christopher. 20. St. George and the Dragon. 21. St. Jerome reading. 22. St. Jerome writing. 23. St. Sebastian fastened to a tree. 24. St. Sebastian fastened to a pillar. 25. St. Catherine, sword and wheel. 26. The Nunnery. 27. Two Hermits. 23. Mercury, springing from a tree mto the sea. 29. Neptune, on a sea-monster. 30. Eape of a Njrmph. 31. Venus, standing. Two Cupids; one holds a tablet. 32. Venus seated in a bath ; Cupid on a pedestal, after Jfarcantonio. 33. Venus emerging from the bath ; Cupid on the left, after Jfarcantonio. 34. Venus on a lawn, with two Cupids. 35. Judgment of Paris. 36. Triton, Nereid, and Dolphins. 37. Man and Satyr struggUng for a Nymph, after Jfarcantonio. 38. Thisbe and Pyramus. 39. Infant Hercules and the Snakes. 40. Hercides subdinug the Nemeau Lion. 41. Hercules with the two pillars. 42. Hercules with a cornucopia : a Nymph with a lyro on the left. 43. Centaur, beariug a vessel with fire. 44. Winged Genius, holding a bubble. 45. "Winged Genius, riding on a stick. 46. Winged Genius, blowing a bagpipe (dated 1521). 47. Fortune, standing on a globe (siqned and dated 1511). 48. Pride, regarding herself in a mirror. 49. Pride, seated on a winged serpent, holding a mirror (signed and dated 1506). 50. Nude female figure on a star ; the right hand hold- ing a torch, the left a sceptre (on some examples the lei/end Lascivia occurs). 51. Dido on the funeral pile. 52. Lucretia seated, holding the dagger (copied with variations from Jfarcantonio^ doubtful). 53. Mutius ScKVola. 54. The Roman lady, on a pedestal, from the medictval story of Virgil : male figures fetching fire from her. 55. Soldiers Stauding, oue drawing his sword. Profile, looking to the left. 56. The Warrior, a pole on his shoulder. Profile, looking to the right. 57. The Warrior. Front view, holds sword and halhert. 58. The Knight. One lumd holds a vessel, the other a loaf. 59. The Drummer. Sfarching to the right (signed and dated 15)0). 60. The Little Standard-bearer. If illy landscape in back- ground. 61. The Great Standard-bearer. Background clear (signed and dated 1508 or 1510).

62. the Fiddler. Left hand holds the bow.