Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/553

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are in the South Kensington Museum. Cristall was one of the early members of the Sketching Society : he also furnished some of the classical figures in Barret's landscapes, as well as some of the groups in Robson's ' Scotch Scenery.'

CRISTIANI, Giovanni di Bartolommeo, who lived at Pistoja in the 14th century, is thought by C'iampi to have been employed at the Campo Santo of Pisa in 1382. He is known to have painted a ' Virgin and Child between SS. Nicholas and John the Baptist ' in the Oratorio dei Nerli at Montemurlo. His last work, which is now lost, was the decoration of a church in Pistoja, which was begun in 1396 and finished in 1398. Very little remains of this artist's productions, and no exact date is known of his death. In the Sacristy of San Giovanni Evangelista at Pistoja there is a painting by him of ' St. John the Baptist entlironed with Angels' (1370).

CKIS'i'OFANO, a painter of Bologna, aided Jacopo and Simone in the production of a series of frescoes, completed in 1404, in the church of the Madonna della Mezzaratta in that city.

CRISTOFORO, Bafio, and Pietro Paolo, two artists, father and son, who were the founders of the mosaic school in the Vatican during the pontificate of Clement XI. (1700 — 1721), are deserving of notice for the perfection to which Lhey carried that art. They executed in the Basilica of St. Peter, from the originals, the ' Communion of St. Je- rome,' after Domenichino ; ' St. Petronilla,' after Guercino ; the ' Baptism of Christ,' after Carlo Marutti ; and Other works. Pietro Paolo Cristoforo died in 1740.



CRIS i'US, Peter. Born at the beginning of the fifteenth century at Baerie, a village between Hoogstraaten and Tilborg in N. Brabant. It is not known where he learned his art. He settled in Bniges in 1444, became a burgher by purchase, and was admitted as master into the Guild of Saint Luke. In 1461 he and his wife became members of the confraternity of Our Lady of the Dry Tree. He died at Bruges in 1473. His earliest known painting is a portrait of Edward Griniston dated 1446, in the possession of Lord Verulam.

The B. Virgin and Child enthroned, Saints Jerome and Francis. 1447. {Staedcl Institute, Fraiilcfort.) A scene from the legend of Saint Godeberta. 1449. (Baron A. Oppenheim, Cologne.) The Annunciation, Nativity and Last Judgment. 1452. {Museum^ Berlin.) Our Lady of Grace, one of three copies of a painting in the cath>;ilral of Cambrai, executed by Cristas. 1454. (Hospital, Cambrai.)

In 1463 Cristus designed and painted a large representation of the Tree of Jesse which for more than a century was carried in the annual procession of the Holy Blood. Cristus is generally said to have been a pupil of Hubert or John van Eyck, but of this there is no proof. A carpet, cloth of honour and purse which figure in his pictures are, it is true, identical with those in paintings by the Van Eycks, but this only shows that Cristus may have purchased these properties or coloured sketches of them after John van Eyck's death. (See ' Le BefTroi,' 1863, and Crowe and Cavalcaselle's 'Early Flemish Painters,' 1872.)

CRlVELLARI, Bartolommeo, was a Venetian engraver, bom in 1725. He was a pupil of Joseph Wagner, for whom he executed several plates, after Gherardini, Tiarini, and Tiepolo. We have 'oy him the following :

The Portrait of Christian, Electoral Prince of Saxony. The Portrait of the Archduchess of Austria. Three Portraits from the Life of St. Pietro Petronio. Four Plates of musical and gallant Assemblies; after Niccolb deW Albate. The Canonization of St. -Alexander Saul ; after il. Bartoloni.

CRIVELLI, Angiolo Maria, called Crivel-LONE, was a native of Milan, wlio, according to Orlandi, painted animals and hunting-scenes with surprising truth and spirit, and was considered one of the ablest painters of those subjects whom hia country had produced. He died in 1730. Two pictures of ruins by him, with figures by Alessan- drino, are in the Dresden Gallery ; and the Brera, Milan, has .i ' Portrait of a Huntsman' by him.

CRIVELLI, Carlo, who was probably born at Venice between 1430 and 1440, is likely to have been the pupil of Antonio and Bartolommeo da Murano. Ridolfi says that he derived his instruction from Jacobello dei Fieri, but this statement cannot be correct, as Jacobello flourished too long before. There is a 'Virgin and Child,' formerly in the con- vent of San Lorenzo, and now in the Museum of Verona, which is one of his earliest productions, and which much recalls the two above-named artists. For over twenty-two years he seems to have almost exclusively worked in those cities which lie in the Marches of Ancona, between Potenza and Tronto. In the sacristy of San Silvestro, Massa, is an altar- piece of his in tempera, now hanging in detached pieces, signed and dated 1468. The cathedral of Ascoli has a 'Virgin and Child between SS. Peter, John the Baptist, Emidius, and Paul,' dated 1473. In 1476 he completed the great altar-piece, in tempera, for San Domenico, at Ascoli, now in the National Gallery, London. In 1490 he was knighted by Prince Ferdinand of Capua, and innnediately afterwards in a picture which he painted for the Odoni Chapel, in Sin Francesco of Matelica, he signed himself Crivellus, Venetus Miles, and never afterwards omitted the title on his pictures. His latest painting is the 'Coronation of the Virgin, with Saints,' dated 1493, now in the Oggioni Collection at Milan. The exact date of his death is unknown. There are many paintings by this artist in English and Continental galleries. They are all in tempera. Amongst them are :

Ancona. Podesid. JIaibnna. Ascoli. Cathedral Th.e Twelve Apostles. 1473. Picti. Berlin. Gallery. Madonna and Saints. 1491. Brussels. Museum. JIadonna. St. Francis of Assisi. Frankfort Stddel Inst . The Annunciation. London. ^'at. Gall. The Dead Christ. The Beato Ferretti. Madonna and Child enthroned, -itb SS. Jerome and Sebastian. The Annimciation. 14S6. Madonna and Child enthroned, surrounded by Saints (an altar-piece in three stages a/td thirteen compartments). 1476. Madonna and Child enthroned. 1491. Madonna in ecstasy. 1492. SS. Catharine and Mary Mag- dalene. „ Lord Northln-oo): A Pieta. Milan. Brera. Virgin and four Saints. 1482. Virjiin and Child

Various Saints.