Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/483

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Dresden. Foligno. Loretto. Madrid. Ficme. (jailtry. Herod examiuiog the Slagi. St. Augustine. St. Xichoios. Christ in the "U'ildemess. Death of Seneca. > The Assumption of the Virgin. Gallery. f iX Martino and S, Luca. Giovanni Conca painted in the manner of Lis brother Sebastiano, and copied with great ability. We have by him several cartoons after Guercino and Lanfranco, which he executed for mosaics.

CONCHILLOS^ FALCO, Juan, was an historical painter, born at Valencia in 1641. He was a pupil of Esteban Marc in that city, but after his mas- ter's death he pursued his studies in Madrid. He afterwards returned to his native city, where he establislied an Academy and executed a number of altar-pieces for the churches of Valencia and of Murcia. He became blind and paralysed, and died in 1711. There is also an etching by him, repre- senting ' The Dead Christ mourned by Mary, John, and the llagdalene.'

CONCONl, Mauro, an Italian painter, was born in Milan in 1815, and died in 1860. He was a pupil of Sanguinetti, and is represented in the Brera, in his native city, by a portrait of Carlo Bellosio, the painter.

CONDE, John, was an engraver who lived in the latter years of the 18th century. He executed tastefully in the dotted style whole-length por- traits of Mrs. Bouverie, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Mrs. Tickell, and other ladies, after Coswaj*. He also engraved a small oval portrait of Madame Du Barry, after the same painter, but this bore no resemblance to the lady represented, and was pro- bably fictitious.

CONDY, Nicholas Matthew, who was bom at Plymouth in 1799, painted landscapes and marine subjects. He published a work on ' Cothele, on the Tamar, the ancient seat of the Earl of Moimt Edgecumbe,' as well as some views on the Thames. He died at Plymouth in 1857.

CONEGLIANO, Giovanni Battista da, (com- monly called CiMA DA CoNEGLlANO,) was bom at Conegliano in Friuli, in the middle of the 15th century. The name ' Cima ' was given him from his habit of constantly introducing into his pictures the hills and landscapes of his native place, and he was called in the 17th and following centuries (but not by his contemporaries) by no other name. He was probably a pupil of Alvise Vivarini, but was strongly influenced by Giovanni Bellini. An early painting is a tempera ' Madonna and Saints,' of 1489, in the Gallery of Vicenza, but having settled in Venice towards the close of the 15th century, he perceived the necessity of adopting the new method. One of his finest works is a ' Glory of St. John the Baptist,' which was painted in oil for the church of the Madonna dell Orto, and may still be seen there. In 1492 he executed the altarpiece of the ' Virgin and Saints ' in the cathedral of Cone- gliano, and in 1494 the beautiful ' Baptism of Christ,' in San Giovanni in Bragora, Venice. In 1501 he finished the ' Incredulity of St. Thomas' (now in the National Gallf ry) for the Hospital of Portogruaro ; and in 1502 the ' SS. Constantine and Helen' for the church of San Giovanni of the same place. In the Gallery of Panna is a ' Virgin and Child between SS. Michael and Andrew,' of his execution, that was long considered to be by Leonardo da Vinci ; the same Gallery possesses a superb ' Virgin and Child enthroned between SS. Damian, Apollonia, Cosmo, John, Catharine and Paul,' and two delightful mythological pieces, ' Endj-mion ' and ' Apollo and Marsyas.' The Academy of Venice also possesses an ' Incredulity of St. Thomas,' painted early in the 16th century. The time of his death is uncertain. His latest works bear date 1508, but he ia said to have been still working in 1517. Numerous paintings by him can be seen in all the large galleries. They are frequently signed 'Joannes Baptista Cone- glianensis.' The following are the principal :

Berlin. Museum. Madonna and Saints (three). it tt St. Mark curing Anianus. Bologna. Pinacoteca. Madonna and Angels. Conegliano. Cathedral. Virgin enthroned, surrounded by six Saints. 1492. Dresden. Museum. The Presentation in theTemple. n ,, Christ in Benediction. Frankfort. Madonna ((iro). London, Kat. Gall. The Infant Christ standing on the Knees of the Virgin. >f ,1 Madonna with the Infant Christ standing on her Knees. » I) The Incredulity of St. Thomas. II M St. Jerome. „ Bertford H. St. Catharine. 1. >i SS. Sebastian and Roch. Milan. Brtra. St. Peter in cathedra between St. John the Baptist and St. Paul. H „ St. Peter Martyr, with SS. Nicholas and Augustin. •> I, SS. Jerome, Nicliolas, Ursula, and another. >t S3. Luke, JLiry, John Baptist, and Mark, w n Madonna. t» 1, St. Jerome. »» » St. Giustina and two Saints. „ Foldi Peszoli. Head of female S-iiut. Modena. Museum. Christ taken down from the Cross. Munich. PinakotUtk. Virgin, St. Jerome, and the Magdalene. O'.era. Church. Polyptych. Paris. Louvre. Virgin and Child( Bapt. CoN'eglaneso opcs). Parma. Museum. Madonna with Saints (two). Mythological pieces (two). Venice. S. Giovanni} „ .. . , , in Bragora. f Baptism of our Lord. M St. Helena and Constantine, „ Carmine. The Xativity. „ iSS. Giovanni e ) Coronation of the Ma- Paolo. / donna. „ S.MariadeWOrlo.St. John between SS. Paul, Jerome, Mark and Peter. ,, Academy. Pieta. tt ,1 Madonna with SS. John and Paul. 1. ,, Madonna. • > „ Madonna with six Saints. >• M Christ and St. Thomas and Magnus. i» n Tobias and the Angel. Vicenza. Museum. Virgin between SS. James and Jerome (painted in tempera). 14S9. Vienna. Gallery. Virgin between St. Jerome and St. Louis, Bishop of Toulou- e.

CONEY, John, an architectural draughtsman and engraver, was bom at Ratcliffe Highway, London, in 1786; he was apprenticed to an architect, but never followed the profession. He com- menced making pencil drawings of the interior of Westminster Abbey and other Gothic buildings as early as the age of fifteen ; these he sold to dealers, and other casual customers, at very small prices. In 1815 he published his first work, a

series of eight views of the exterior and interior of