Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/462

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into the Guild of St. Luke in 1545 as a painter, but lie soon after abandoned painting, and applied biinself to engraving and the business of a print- seller. In tlie Belvedere at Vienna, there is a painting of an ideal view of Rome by him. When at Rome, where lie stayed some time, he became acquainted with Vasari, whom he assisted in the execution of the biographies of the Dutch engravers. We have several plates by him after his brother Matthys, Peeter Brueghel, Jerom Bosch, L. Lombard, and Frans Floris : they are eseouted in a slight manner, and without much effect. He sometimes marked his plates H. Cock fecit ; and some- times with this device : The following are his principal works :


Francis II., King of France and Scotland. Mary, Queen of Scotland and France. Gustavus, Kiug of Sweden. Soliman, Emperor of the Turks. Camelia, Daughter of the Emperor. Six Portraits on one sheet; of Guide Caralcanti, Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Politiau, and Ficinus. A set of twenty-four Portraits of Flemish painters, with Latin verses by Lampsouius. They are mostly marked /. H. H'., for Jl'ieiix, the publisher; and are entitled, Fictorum aliquot celebrium Germania iiiferioris EJpt/ies, ^-c. 1572. The Funeral Pomp of Charles Y., large frieze ; Hieroni- mui Cock invent. 15-59. Twelve Plates ; entitled Divi Caroh V., ex multis pViecipue Victoriarum imaaines, Hieronymus Coccius Pictor Antic. 1555. Moses with the Tables of the Law ; H. Cock fnv. et exc. at. Christopher with the Infant Jesus on his shoulders.


A set of fifteen Landscapes , after Matthys Cock. A large Landscape, with the Feast of St. George ; afte: the same. Samson and Delilah ; after Marten Heemskerk. Daniel in the Lions' Den ; after the same. A set of eight Female Figures, six from the Old Testa- ment. Jael, Ruth, Abigail, Judith, Esther, and Su- sannah ; and the Virgin Mary, and Mary Magdalene ; after the same. An Allegory, Fraud and Avarice ; after the same. Infant Bacchanalians dancing ; aftei' the same. The Kesurrection ; after Peeter ISrueyhel, the elder. The Temptation of St. Anthony ; after the same. The Temptation of St. James ; after the same. 1565. The Last Judgment ; after the same. The Laboratory of an Alchemist ; after the sa>ne. The Dispute between the Fat and the Lean ; after the same. A set of twelve Landscapes with subjects from the Bible ; after the same. A grotesque subject of the great Fish devouring the little ones; a whimsical composition; after Jcrom Bosch. The Temptation of St. Anthony ; after the same. St. Martin in a Boat, surrounded by Devils; after the same. An Incantation ; after the same. 1561. Shrove Tuesday ; a M'omau making Pancakes. 1567.

COCK, Jas Claus de. See De Cock.

COCK, Matthys, (or Kock), the brother of Hieronimus Cock, was born at Antwerp about the year 1500 or 1505. He was one of the early Flemish painters of landscapes, and one of the first of his countrymen who reformed the art from the Btiff Gothic style that existed before. Several of his landscapes were engraved by his brother igraver, Hieronimus, and possess considerable merit for the time at which they were executed. The ' Tower of Babel,' by him, is in the Belvedere, Vienna. He died in 1552.

COCK, PiETER. See Koeck.

COCKBURN, Major-General James Pattison, an ofBcer of the Artillery, who was born in 1778, is known as the author of several books of travel which he illustrated : ' A Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar,' with 30 coloured plates, published in 1815; 'Swiss Scenery,' with 62 plates, in 1820; 'The Route of the Simplon,' in 1822; 'The Valley of Aosta,' in 1823 ; and ' Pompeii Illustrated,' in folio, in 1827. He died at WooUviuh in 1847.

COCKE, Henry, a decorative painter and a pupil of Salvator Rosa in Italy, where he spent some time when a young man, worked in England about the middle of the 17th century. He was employed by William III. to repair some of the paintings in the Royal Palaces. He painted the choir of New CoUege Chapel, Oxford, and the staircase at lianelajjh House.

COCKELS, Joseph, a painter of hunting subjects, was bom in Brussels in 1786, and died in Bavaria in 1851.

COCKQ, Paul Joseph de. See De Cockq.

COCKSOX, Thomas, was an English engraver, who flourished from about 1610 to 1G30. He engraved several portraits in a neat but stiff style. His plates are sometimes marked with the cipher We liave by him the following portraits. &c. : King James I. sitting in Parliament. King Charles I. in like manner. The Princess Elizabeth, dangliter of James I. Louis XIII., King of France. Marie de Medicis. Matthias, Emperor of Germany. Demetrius. Emperor of Kussia. Henry of Bourbon, Prince of Coude, Coucini, Marquis of Ancre. Charles, Earl of Francis 'White, Bishop of Xorwich. Samuel Daniel. 1609. T. Coryat. The Kevels of Christendom.

COCLERS, Jan Baptist, a Dutch painter of portraits and historical subjects, was born at Maestricht in 1092. He was the son and pupil of Philip Coders, and worked for a time at Rome with Servandoni. After his return he established himself at Liege, and died, wealthy and honoured, in 1762. Some of his works exist at Liige, but they possess no great merit. His daughter, Maria Lambertine, engraved some plates in the style of Adriaan van Ostade.

COCLERS. Louis Bernard, was born at Maes- tricht in 1740. He was instructed by his father, Jan Baptist Coders. He passed three years in Italy, and after his return he painted portraits and cabinet pieces, in the manner of Mieris, Metsu, and Schalken at Maestricht, Nimeguen, Dordrecht, and Leyden, where he settled in 17G9. Compro- mised p'olitically, he left Holland in 1787, and went to Paris, where he remained several years. He again returned and resided at Amsterdam, where he painted portraits and cabinet pictures, which he exhibited from the year 1808 to 1813. One of his pictures is in the Museum of that city. He died at Li^ge in 1817. He was also a print-seller, and engraved 166 plates; they are signed with the ciphers, or his
