Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/453

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the Berlin Gallery, of ' Christ before Caiaphas,' and a ' Holy Family.'

CLAESSEN, Alaebt, a Dutch engraver, who flourished at Amsterdam between 1520 and 1562. He copied Lucas van Leyden, Albrecbt Diirer, and E. S. Beham. There is also a plate by him after Mantegna. His engravings, which are among the best productions of his time, are executed with a light touch, but are not correctly drawn. He there- fore shows to more advantage in his smaller than in his larger works, of which he executed but very few.

Bartsch and Passarant describe 142 works by this artist, amongst which are :

Daid and Goliath. The Baptism of the Eunuch. 1524. St. Margaret. A Nativity. The Baptism of Christ. The Death of General Gattamelatta ; after Maitttgna. 15-35. A Naked Woman, with a Dragon.

CLAESSEXS, AXTUO-NIE. a painter of Antwerp, is said to have been a pupil of Quentin Massys. There are two works from his hand in the Academy at Bruges, painted in 1498 for the town hall, and which have until recently been attributed to Gheerardt David ; they represent the ' Judgment of Cambyses ' and the ' Flaying of Sisamnes.' These works are correctly drawn, of remarkable expression, and cleverly coloured, but somewhat cold in tone and with the shadows too deep. There was also a picture in the church of the Car- thusians at Miraflores in Spain, representing ' St. John the Baptist and a Bishop,' which bore the legend 'Antonio Claesins Brugensis.' In the Dublin National Gallery is a ' Nativity ' said to be by him.

CLAESSEXS, Lambertcs Antosids, was bom at Antwerp in 1764, and commenced his artistic career as a painter of landscapes ; but abandoned the palette to exercise his talents as an engraver, and became highly proficient, combining the use of the graver with that of the etching needle in a most happy manner. He studied under Bartolozzi, and engraved plates after the works of Rubens, Rembrandt, Gerard Dou, Ostade, and other eminent painters of the Netherlands. He practised in London, Amsterdam, and Paris, where he settled about 1810. He died at Rueil. near Paris, in 1834. Claessens married the widow of the French minia- ture painter Pelletier, who was herself an artist. His best works are :

The Descent from the Cross ; after Ruiem. The Dropsical Woman ; after G. I'cm. The Night Watch ; after Reml^andt. The Laugher ; after F. Hals.

CLARET. William, an English portrait painter, flourished from about 1670 to 1680. He was a scholar of Sir Peter Lely, and copied many of the pictures of that master. Of his own productions, one of the most successful was a portrait of John Egerton. Earl of Bridgewater, of which we have a mezzotint print by R. Thomson. He died in London in 1706.

CLARK, JoHS Heaviside, who was bom about 1770, was sometimes known as ' Waterloo Clark,' because of the sketches he made on the field directl_y after the battle. He was the author of ' A prac- tical essa)' on the art of Colouring and Painting Landscapes,' with illustrations, published in 1807. and 'A practical Illustration of Gilpin's Day,' with thirtv designs, in 1824. He died in Edinburgh in 1863".

CLARK, Thomas, a native of Ireland, studied in the Dublin Academy, and about 1768 entered the studio of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with whom, how- ever, he did not remain long. He drew heads well, but was a very poor colourist. He died young.

CLARK, W., a corporal in a Light Dragoon Regiment, practised successfully as an aquatint engraver. He died at Limerick in 1801. CLARKE, John, an engraver, was bom in Scot- land about 1650, and worked with success at Edin- burgh. He died about 1697. We have by him the following plates :

A Medallion of William and Marv, Prince and Princess of Orange. 1690. Sir Matthew Hale George, Baron de Goertz. Andrew Marvell. Humphrey Prideaax.

Seven small Heads on one plate : Charles II.. and his Queen, Prince Rupert, Prince of Orange, Duke of York, Duke of Monmouth, and General Monk. The Humours of Harlequin (from his oicn designs).

CLARKE, JoHX, an engraver mentioned in Walpole's 'Anecdotes,' resided in Gray's Inn. London, and worked during the latter portion of the 17th century. He engraved a portrait of Rubens, and a print of ' Hercules and Deianira.'

CLARKE, Theophilus, was bom in 1776. He studied under Opie, and became a student of the Royal Academy in 1793. and an Associate in 1803. He chiefly practised portrait painting, but occa- sionally exhibited fancy subjects, such as 'The Pensive Girl,' and 'The Lovers,' from Thomson's Seasons. It is not known when he died, but his name was retained on the list of Associates till 1832.

CLARKE, William, was an English engraver mentioned by Vertue. He engraved the portraits of George, Duke of Albemarle, from ,a picture by Barlow ; Elizabeth Percy, Duchess of Somerset ; and Jolin Shower, from a painting by himself. The latter is a small mezzotint. His last work is dated 1680.

CLARKSON, Nathaniel, who began life as a coach-panel and sign painter, afterwards became known for his portraits. He was a member of the Incorporated Society of Artists. In 1787 he painted an altar-piece of the ' Annunciation,' which he presented to St. Mary's church at Islington, where he resided. He died there in 1795, aged 71.

CLAROS, LtJis, was a Valencian painter, errone- ously represented as a scholar of the Ribaltas. He joined the Augustinian Order in 1663, and painted for his convent a large picture of 'Christ ministered to bj* Angels in the Desert,' besides other works, in one of which he introduced his own portrait.

CLARUS. FABBirius. See Chiabi.

CLARY, JrsTisiEN' Nicolas, Viscount, a French amateur painter of animals, was born in Paris in 1816, and died in that city in 1869.

CLASEXS, D.. a Dutcii engraver, flourished about the year 1660. His name is affixed to a coarse etching, representing the 'Virgin and Infant Christ, with St. John and an Angel,' after Procaccini.

CLASERI, Marco, was a native of Venice, and flourished about the year 1580. He engraved several wood-cuts, among which are the 'Four Seasons,' and the 'Four Ages of the World.'